The more you can learn about your target audience, the more success you’ll have. Whether wild or domesticated, grass and hay are necessaries in a rabbit diet. Young rabbits disperse from the nest at 15-20 days old. If you eat a wild rabbit sooner, the meat will have parasites. In addition to providing you with state rabbit breeder listings we also help you find specific breeds of rabbits for sale by allowing you to search for bunny rabbits using our rabbit breed index.It is our long term goal to continue to expand our ever growing rabbit breeders directory and like always, help connect rabbit breeders and buyers. Check yours before proceeding. They also have a pet limit law of two rabbits. Tender and lean with low cholesterol and sodium, rabbit meat is an excellent protein source for an expanding population—but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy sell in the U.S. Foodie trends across the country have put braised rabbit, rabbit stew and rabbit sausage on high-end restaurant menus, and as consciousness around alternative protein sources develops, potential to offer your customers rabbit meat grows, too—if you know how to do it right. If you raise rabbits yourself, you can control the breeding time so that you can slaughter as many rabbits as you need each month,winter or summer, and eat the meat fresh, without needing to buy a freezer or facilities to can and store, and the meat of domesticated rabbits is more tender (have been told this but I have never eaten wild rabbit. Claim It’s unsafe to eat wild rabbits or hares before the first hard frost of the year. Any care you think you're giving could, and probably will, kill the rabbit. The whole pregnancy procedure for rabbits lasts for 31 days almost. You can take them outside on a rabbit harness and leash for them to enjoy the sun and to get exercise. The rabbits Whole Foods sells as meat are “New Zealand” rabbits – a specific breed of rabbit just like a … Then there’s your other option, rehoming the rabbits. The good news is that you can feed a wild rabbit anything you can feed a domestic rabbit. Origin The exact source is unknown, but this a commonly held belief that goes back several generations. only be done during season. Flemish Giant Rabbit Price. But in rare cases, if you find a domestic rabbit abandoned in a cardboard box or roaming around the streets, make sure to bring the rabbit home and provide food, shelter, and love. Please try again. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. An escaped pet knows that humans can provide safety and food, though. In addition, most states have a law against keeping wild animals as pets unless you are with a wildlife rehabilitation center. Learning how to serve your customer will also determine production details, such as: Write a Strategy Sentence With this legwork done, write a simple strategy sentence that defines your customer and your marketing approach—essentially, to whom are you trying to sell rabbit meat, and what does he want? Underfur that is unprotected by sturdy guard hairs absorbs water, so if you’re expecting damp weather, avoid chinchilla and rabbit, as well as furs that have been sheared or plucked. And bring the pet indoors immediately. If you expect your apparel to be exposed to rain very often, you have three smart choices: flat fur, a … Rabbit meat maybe a special case because it is not a nutritious meat. May contain shot. When did organ music become associated with baseball? In the UK, the kind of wild animals that are good to eat as wild meat (apart from fish) include deer, rabbits, squirrels, ducks, geese, game birds such as partridges and pheasants, and pigeons. Required fields are marked *. Your farmers’ market might sponsor the educational demo, or check with your county cooperative extension for opportunities. But this talk of worms and such seems interesting an different. The Appalachian cottontail (Sylvilagus obscurus) can be found at higher elevations in the mountains of the southeast. Their meaty rabbits are beautifully processed as striploins, saddles, chops, ground, and more. They are good for people living in apartments or out on a farm. Wild rabbits, like all wild animals, should be left alone and not domesticated, or caught and sold. Their meaty rabbits are beautifully processed as striploins, saddles, chops, ground, and more. No, it is against the law to sell any wild rabbits. We work with a number of distributors and manufacturers across the United States who purchase in large quantities from us. I don't know if this is legal since I am not a USDA or FDA approved facility. Unless you have the space, resources, and legal runway to scale up, it may be best to live-sell any excess rabbits you produce, reinvest the (modest) proceeds into your operation, and eat as much as you can. You could sell the rabbits off to a pet shop, but you … The average litter contains four to five babies. They’ll weigh less as a result. Each rabbit is skinned and prepared by our expert butchers to ensure every piece of tender, succulent rabbit meat is used in our 500g packs. This means they eat less and move more. This presents risks, too. As you can see, you don’t have to turn your world or budget upside-down to be feeding wild rabbits in your back yard. Cottontail rabbits nest from March through September and may have as many as four litters per year. For the curious but unprepared, go with some standard farmers’ market tactics: Offer recipes, offer samples (check local laws before diving in here), and keep your Facebook, Pinterest and other social-media outlets updated with ways to handle and cook rabbit. Of course, domesticating a wild rabbit is possible, and you can look to bring one into your home successfully with some thought, consideration, care and best practices. You can prevent harm to baby rabbits by checking your yard carefully for rabbit nests before you mow. Their mortality is based on food availability, predator presence, and weather stability. Various types of dry and fresh grasses and plants with leaves comprise the largest portion of the wild rabbit diet. For the convenience of our site visitors that are in search of purchasing a rabbit, or for those who have rabbits for sale, we encourage you to scroll through our user-interactive rabbit breeders directory, to get in contact with local breeders.To make your searching easier, we have listed all known breeds and more than 300+ breeders have joined our directory! Is it legal to sell wild game meat? “When you understand your audience really well, you’ll understand how to serve them,” LeRoux says. Therefore, the farmed rabbit industry has the potential to meet this shortfall for domestic and overseas consumption. Large carnivores like lions, tigers, and bears are illegal to own, as are apes, baboons, and … You can check with local pet stores to see if they are looking for a regular supplier of bunnies… just remember, pet stores need to make a profit on your buns, so they will not expect to have to pay more than $15 per bunny. However, you should be advised that most people won't take meat from sources they can't confirm are clean. By about 3 weeks of age the babies will start to nibble on hay, followed shortly afterwards by eating small amounts of rabbit food – this does not apply to wild rabbits – for wild rabbit advice see below. There is error while submitting your request. Why does Arizona not have Daylight Saving Time? In one year, a doe can produce more than 20 offspring with many of these breeding themselves, when only a few months old. Rabbits. Rabbits. You can use KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) available at most pet stores for the handfeeding formula. By three weeks of age, they are on their own in the wild and no longer require a mother’s care. Outdoor cats and dogs are a major threat to bunnies. For Rabbit Meat we have joined forces with the largest rabbit meat supplier in the USA. However, rabbits will naturally have fewer litters or will have litters with fewer kits when food or water is scarce. After 6 weeks of age, baby rabbits start weaning and can be separated from their mother. Then we save 2-liter bottles and place the nozzles on them. Rabbits can be bred for pets and sold to pet stores. Can an Injured Wild Rabbit Live with My Pet? Family-owned Marx Foods has some of the finest rabbits you can buy. Have you been looking for the easiest way of buying baby wild animals, this online platform is the easiest way of making your dream come true. Nicky USA. Then, remove the skin and the guts. Origin The eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) rabbit is the most numerous and can be found throughout the state. Wild rabbits, like all wild animals, should be left alone and not domesticated, or caught and sold. How can you make a difference? These animals are wild and rabbits in particular are not good at handling stress, much like deer. Tender and lean with low cholesterol and sodium, rabbit meat is an excellent protein source for an expanding population—but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy sell in the U.S. Foodie trends across the country have put braised rabbit, rabbit stew and rabbit sausage on high-end restaurant menus, and as consciousness around alternative protein sources develops, potential to offer your customers … Where to buy rabbit meat in the UK? Please let us know a convenient time to call you on, (*All time slots are available in CDT zone.). Family-owned Marx Foods has some of the finest rabbits you can buy. If you want You can always sell your rabbits as breeders or pets to those who just want a fluffy bunny to spend their time with. You can't buy wild rabbits for sale, only pet rabbits. Trapping can only be done during season. You may be able to find someone to kill and/or dress them for you, but probably not someone who will buy or sell the meat. Your email address will not be published. What should you use to prevent an application from being installed when visiting a website. LeRoux suggests going one step further and demonstrating how to break down a whole rabbit. 2.7 million wild rabbits per year in 1990 to about 100 000 in 1999. To increase their chances of survival, wild rabbits have up to five litters of bunny each year helping to keep their population up. Take precautions to prevent wild rabbits from coming in contact with or gaining access to a rabbitry. Plus it would be hard to handle a wild bunny an with claws , would be dangerous. If someone grew up eating rabbit meat, he probably already knows a recipe or a traditional way of preparing rabbit. This prolific breeding is usually balanced by many deaths caused by predators, disease, road traffic, shooting and trapping. You should have this information readily available at the farmers’ market, on your website and through your social-media outlets. These adult wild rabbits have been alerted to some possible form of danger. Rabbits are herbivores which means that they only eat food that is grown or derived from plants. What effacts does soil degradation have on peoples lives? wild cottontail rabbits. Rabbits drink quite a bit of water so what we have adapted for our meat rabbits is a little different. Welcome to the OMAFRA Rabbits website.Here you will find a wealth of information relevant to Ontario's Rabbit industry. If you have male and female rabbits, be sure to get them neutered or spayed. If you're planning on going out and hunting them, or raising and killing them for meat, you should ask around. A baby pet rabbit may not be strong enough to put up a fight with your pets, but it can hurt them in other ways. FDACS is required to inspect Florida rabbit processing facilities. The cultural acceptance of eating cottontail rabbit meat has set a favorable stage for the grow-ing popularity of raising domestic meat rabbits as a small-scale, backyard enter-prise. Since wild rabbits tend to like wooded or shrubby areas on the edges of a particular area, [2] X Research source consider creating a small brush pile near the edge of your yard or garden for the wild rabbits. Scottish Wild Rabbit Meat. Upon discovery of an injured rabbit, you can report it to a rehabilitation center. Do NOT do this. It is now legal to farm rabbits in all states except Queensland and the Northern Territory. If you can, wrap it in a small towel. The Appalachian cottontail (Sylvilagus obscurus) can be found at higher elevations in the mountains of the southeast. Every potential customer could stand to be educated about rabbit meat’s healthfulness and flavor, the low environmental impact of raising rabbits, and the conditions in which your rabbits are raised. Oven ready weight can be between 600g and 800g; Rabbit is best casseroled and there are many recipes available. They do not need to do this at a pet so there is a lot of energy build up for them to get out. There are many small compact breeds that do not take up much room that can work well for an apartment setting. For Rabbit Meat we have joined forces with the largest rabbit meat supplier in the USA. You can separate baby rabbits from their mother once they are 6 to 8 weeks old. If you are unsure, ask your veterinarian to let you know what the rules are. You’ll have vet bills multiplied by at least six rabbits, and you can’t forget the mama, either. You are able to place your orders now and remember that we deliver animals for any customer internationally. If you are planning to breed it or show it, a show-quality Flemish Giant can sell from anywhere between $100 to $400, depending on the pedigree and quality.. Freelance writer Lisa Munniksma is the former editor of, Holistic Soil Is Critical To Ecosystem Garden Design, Recipe: Try This Flavorful Fermented Radish Salsa, Arrowood Farms Trusts In Brewing Beer From The Ground Up, Give The Hard-Shelled Bushel Gourd A Head Start, How to Make Money Selling Rabbit at the Farmers’ Market. So now, you can order Rabbit Meat, rabbit fryers or even Rabbit burgers today, and then a few days later you can serve your family a tasty Rabbit Meat treat so much better than the meats available at the supermarket. They can have several litters of four to seven kits a year. Wild rabbits have relatively short life spans (typically, less than two years), but they mature quickly and have short (30-day) gestation periods. Rabbits in the wild all over the world successfully consume a wide variety of plant material. Try beer or cider, both are a popular choice of marinade or liquid base for rabbit casseroles! This might be similar to the strategy sentence you’ll write for your farmers’ market rabbit sales. The resources listed below include OMAFRA Factsheets and Information Sheets, as well as key links to information on internal and … Your shipments can ride along with ours, thereby saving everyone money. Our experts will call you on your preferred time. . Rabbit Meat UK - Our wild rabbit meat is sourced from local Dorset estates and game dealers and hung for a short period of time. Use a good brand of food such as Burgess Excel Junior. 02 of 05. Who is the actress in the latest Domino's pizza commercial? What You Sell: Eggs, Chicken Meat. Even if your rabbit never comes into direct contact with animals from the wild, it can still become infected with this disease, because the virus is spread by bites from mosquitoes, flies, fur mites, and fleas. When ferreters sell a few eating rabbits for food or barter for the odd pint, what you see is what you get. San Francisco, CA prohibits the sale of pet rabbits in the city and county. However, as a small operation, you’ll likely struggle to find butchers or independent meat markets willing to purchase small batches. LeRoux gives an example of an 11-year-old chicken producer who attended his Strategic Marketing for Livestock Producers class thorugh Cornell Cooperative Extension. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Mostly for pets. They can be shot, humanely trapped, or they could be road kill. In the wild, rabbits spend a lot of their time foraging for food. You’re not ignoring all of the other types of shoppers when you do this; rather, you’re giving your target audience exactly what they need. If you were to eat only rabbit meat for a prolong period and nothing else, you would die of malnutrition. You can check with local pet stores to see if they are looking for a regular supplier of bunnies… just remember, pet stores need to make a profit on your buns, so they will not expect to have to pay more than $15 per bunny. If you do not mind wild rabbits visiting your yard, you can create an area of your yard where the wild rabbits can eat. Arkansas. This rabbit has a very short lifespan since they fall prey to many predators in the wild. pet stores cannot sell rabbits in the county). Rabbits are trainable. The rabbits Whole Foods sells as meat are a domesticated breed of rabbits, not wild rabbits. So now, you can order Rabbit Meat, rabbit fryers or even Rabbit burgers today, and then a few days later you can serve your family a tasty Rabbit Meat treat so much better than the meats available at the supermarket. What are the prospects and problem of livestock production? The Commonwealth of Kentucky has three species of rabbits. Remember, all rabbits sold in a store have been bred intentionally for domestication; they have not rounded up a group of wild rabbits to sell! Wild rabbits are rather uniform in body proportions and stance. Chicago, IL prohibits the sale of pet rabbits and other animals in the city’s pet stores. Trap a wild one and cage it, it’ll stop eating and drinking. As discussed previously, rabbits are a non-amenable species by USDA-FSIS, but you can request voluntary slaughter inspection. The toys will need to be frequently changed out to avoid the rabbit from getting bored with playing with the same toy each day. The USDA considers rabbit a nonamenable meat, which means it must be processed in a permitted, state-inspected and approved facility, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be inspected by a USDA inspector or have a USDA-inspected stamp like amenable meat, such as chicken, beef and pork. If there’s a belief, rumor or long-held assumption you’d like us to fact check, drop us a note at [email protected]. This is a likely case for the ethnic and religiously motivated shoppers. The rabbit will be afraid of humans, so you won’t be able to handle it. Personally I wouldn't want to touch a wild rabbit because you don't know what sort disease it has, if it has one, an you wouldn't want to risk it. Farmed rabbits are, more often than not, bred intensively and fed on a diet designed to bulk them out which leaves them tasting very bland, a shadow of their wild cousins. I raise rabbits and would like to sell the meat, what do I need to do? The Legal Details Every state has its own laws regarding meat sales of all kinds. You can always sell your rabbits as breeders or pets to those who just want a fluffy bunny to spend their time with. However, the rest of your customers might not know which end of the rabbit is which. To eat wild rabbit, start by cutting off the rabbit's head and the lower half of each leg. If it is just a few people eating at home, then very few people adhere to the law. Wild rabbits also grow distressed by the idea of living in a hutch. Wash your hands with warm soapy water before and after handling a rabbit. In addition, wild rabbits need to be given wide open spaces or at least special time dedicated to exercise and movement. It is also acquired from injuries caused by contaminated thorns or thistles, or by direct contact with an infected rabbit. Just make sure you cook the rabbit until it's well-done since rabbits can carry parasites and diseases. They’ll hesitantly approach you for help. Keep your business cards handy, and offer a price list that clearly explains the difference between each item you offer. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland.