In 1865 the frontier line generally followed the western limits of the states bordering the Mississippi River, bulging outward to include the eastern sections of Kansas and Nebraska. P- The POV of this document clearly indicates the dominant mentality, as well as the worries present which were garnered from the full settlement of the American frontier. White settlers from the East poured across the Mississippi to mine, farm, and ranch. 119-130. At the beginning of that period, a great variety of Native American cultures dominated most parts of the region. A nine-part series chronicling the turbulent history of one of the most extraordinary landscapes on earth. It was marked by the contrasting area at the edge of the European-American line of settlement, which moved steadily westward, from the 1630s to the 1880s. To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides. The Closing of the Frontier By the end of the nineteenth century, the West was effectively settled. Ten new western states Chinese railroad workers further added to the diversity of the region's population. The North West Ordinance of 1787, which created a blueprint for settlement, decreed there would be no slavery on the frontier. The cattle industry rose in importance as the railroad provided a practical means for getting the cattle to market. Summary The American Indians on the Western Frontier were pushed off their land by the demise of the buffalo, and the arrival of the homesteaders, ranchers, miners, the railroad, and US Army. The most spectacular burst of settlement occurred be-tween 1881 and 1885, when 67,000 settlers took up homesteads in the territory. It evidently showed Turner’s curiosity at the implications that the settled frontier would have on the future of the development and unity of the United States. By the 1880s, most American Indians had been confined to reservations, often in areas of the West that appeared least desirable to white settlers. The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier, pp 339-346 Key Concepts & Main Ideas Notes Analysis Post–Civil War migration to the American West, West of the 100th meridian, few trees, less than 15” of rainfall/year. Winter blizzards & hot dry summers. The West, region, western U.S., mostly west of the Great Plains and including, by federal government definition, Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Beyond this thin edge of pioneer farms lay the prairie and sagebrush lands that stretched to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. National Expansion and Reform, 1815 - 1880, Immigration to the United States, 1851-1900, Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945, American Indian and Oklahoma Territories Maps. After the War of 1812 much of America's attention turned to exploration and settlement of its territory to the West, which had been greatly enlarged by the Louisiana Purchase. Map of the Indian and Oklahoma territories. The mining boom also brought government to the Mountain West, first through vigilante committees that provided swift justice to those who broke the law. The beginning of the American Frontier was marked by European settlement along the Atlantic coastline and eastern rivers, and continued until the last mainland states were added to the country in 1912. The story of the defense of the frontier of Virginia begins about the year 1719, by which time there seems to be reasonable evidence of settlers south of the Potomac River, on what is now the soil of West … The Indians on this frontier-with visions of Jeffersonian happiness-would be assimilated into the American family. From the start, the “Frontier” was most often categorized as the western edge of settlement. By Roy Bird Cook. The myth of the cowboy is only one of many myths that have shaped our views of the West in the late 19th century. The American frontier, also known as the Old West or the Wild West, includes the geography, history, folklore, and cultural expression of life in the forward wave of American expansion that began with European colonial settlements in the early 17th century and ended with the admission of the last few territories as states in 1912. Fan website dedicated to the popular InnoGames browser game - The West. Great American Desert- pioneers’ nickname for land b/w Mississippi River and Pacific Coast b. before had been populated by buffalo herds which supported the native population c. but by 1900, the buffalo had been wiped out, the land fenced in by homesteads, crisscrossed by European immigration fed these booms. Learn about the Louisiana Purchase, manifest destiny, the Gold Rush and more. Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress, [Cattle, horses, and people at the fair with stables in the background], Old Mission Church, Los Angeles, California, between 1880 and 1899, The Old Carreta, Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico, 1890, A Mexican Home (ranchita), between 1880 and 1897, As Some Things Appear on the Plains and Among the Rockies in Mid-Summer. 3. ther west, and prosperity returned to the country after the Panic of 1873. 1865: 15 million bison- Provided food, clothing, shelter & tools for the estimated 250,000 American Indians living in the West. The “American Frontier,” began with the first days of European settlement on the Atlantic coast and the eastern rivers. Black cowboys also rode the range. a. Small communities on the edge of the frontier suffered the brunt of Indian attacks in early years and served as a buffer for the larger towns. Open lands fenced by homesteads & ranches, steel rails & new towns. The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier, pp 339-346 Key Concepts & Main Ideas Notes Analysis Post–Civil War migration to the American West, They have begun writing about the West as a crossroads of cultures, where various groups struggled for property, profit, and cultural dominance. To find additional documents in on topics related to the West, use such keywords as West, ranching, Native Americans, and pioneers, or search using the names of states or cities in the West. Section 2 Guided Reading, pp 339-353 1. The huge herds of American bison that roamed the plains were almost wiped out, and farmers plowed the natural grasses to plant wheat and other crops. Settlement from the East transformed the Great Plains. The loss of the bison and growth of white settlement drastically affected the lives of the Native Americans living in the West. Railroads stretched across all parts of the region, from the Great Northern, which ran along the Canadian border, to the Southern Pacific that ran across Texas and the Arizona and New Mexico territories to link New Orleans and Los Angeles. Western settlers being attacked by Indians. The first cowboys were Spanish vaqueros, who had introduced cattle to Mexico centuries earlier. Recently, some historians have turned away from the traditional view of the West as a frontier, a "meeting point between civilization and savagery" in the words of historian Frederick Jackson Turner. In the conflicts that resulted, the American Indians, despite occasional victories, seemed doomed to defeat by the greater numbers of settlers and the military force of the U.S. government. The farming frontier c. The ranching frontier 4. White settlers from the East poured across the Mississippi to mine, farm, and ranch. • How and why the birth of the cattle industry led to the era of the American cowboy and new patterns of migration and settlement in the southwestern United States. Think about these differing views of the history of the West as you examine the documents in this collection. Start studying US History - The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier. The “Frontier” is defined as “a region at the edge of a settled area”. Myth #1: The frontier was a vast, empty, barely populated land awaiting white settlement - settlement that encouraged rugged individualism, nationalism, and democracy and was destined to transform a savage and desolate land into a modern civilization.Reality: White Americans did not settle the West, but rather, they conquered it. How Essential Was the French & Indian War to the American Revolution? American Revolution Guided Reading & Research, From Articles of Confederation to Constitution, War of 1812 primary sources and questions, Early 19th Century Religion & Reform Movements, Manifest Destiny Primary Sources & Questions, Conservative Counter-Revolution, Terrorism, & Globalism. The first permanent settlement was made at Sioux Falls in 1856, and a year later a few farmers came in along the valley of the Missouri River. Many Irish moved to Nebraska, Minnesota, and the Dakota Territory. Section 2 Guided Reading, pp 339-353 1. The West 1. - Began JAN 24, 1848 - Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill by James Marshall - Sparked the one of the largest mass migrations in US history (more than 300,000) Defend your answer with specific evidence, and address the opposing viewpoint. Which is more significant to American history… the frontier… or the cities? You can import your battle stats, skills, inventory … Virtually every part of the United States except the Eastern Seaboard has been “the West” at some point in American history, linked in popular imagination with the last … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The stereotype of the heroic white cowboy is far from true, however. 1900: Bison herds wiped out. 2. The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier, pp 339-346 Key Concepts & Main Ideas Post–Civil War migration to the American West, encouraged by economic opportunities and government policies, caused the federal government to violate treaties with American Indian nations in order to expand the amount of land available to settlers. United States History. Westward Expansion was the 19th-century movement of settlers, agriculture and industry into the American West. The frontier’s impact on popular culture was enormous, as evidenced by dime novels, Wild West shows, and, after 1910, Western movies set on the frontier. The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier, pp 339-346 Key Concepts & Main Ideas Notes Analysis Post–Civil War migration to the American West, encouraged by economic opportunities and government policies, caused the federal government to violate treaties with American You can find here many useful calculators (like Battle Calc or Duel calc), charts, quests, crafting, jobs, tombola and many other features. The cowboy became the symbol for the West of the late 19th century, often depicted in popular culture as a glamorous or heroic figure. Furthermore, the life of the cowboy was far from glamorous, involving long, hard hours of labor, poor living conditions, and economic hardship. The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Sand Creek Massacre lesson (primary source docs), ​LOC Lesson American Indian Reservation Controversies. Volume I, Number 2 (January 1940), pp. The completion of the railroads to the West following the Civil War opened up vast areas of the region to settlement and economic development. Families of pioneers swept westward and founded new communities throughout what is now the Midwest, and between 1816 and 1821, six new states were admitted to the Union. The demarcation of the frontier was a boundary line that was continuously being moved farther and farther west with each generation. The fertile terraces of the Brazos River attracted settlers who began small farms in the Peters Colony of northwest Texas. The last gold rush of the century brought miners to the Klondike region of Canada's Yukon Territory in 1897. Boomtowns, cow towns, and railroad stations grew as a great number of people moved west. Period 6 1865-1898 Challenges of the Era of Industrialization, Essential Questions of the Antebellum Era. Discuss the characteristics of each of the frontier societies listed below, and explain the contributions of each to the economic, social, and cultural transformation of the West. Germans contin- African-American settlers also came West from the Deep South, convinced by promoters of all-black Western towns that prosperity could be found there. The mineral, timber, and oil frontiers b. From 1850 to 1900, swift and widespread changes transformed the American West. Western frontier life in America describes one of the most exciting periods in the history of the United States. A map used by the British for the 1783 Treaty of Paris, at which the future president John Adams insisted on the cession of the lands north-west of the Ohio River, the ‘Northwest Territory’. • How and why American Indians were forced to the Great Plains and eventually reservations by the mid 19th Century and how that movement impacted American Indian culture. The American West, 1865-1900. Traveled over by thousands on their journey to Oregon or California, Wyoming remained a primitive wilderness, its sole signs of settlement a few fur- trading posts. Eva Dennis Chapter 17 1/25/2021 The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier: After Civil War, Americans settled in the West—Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Western Plateau, land between the Mississippi River and Pacific Coast were called the Great American Desert, not very supportive of farming or settlement, but bison and buffalo lived there. 16. Virginia Frontier Defenses 1719-1795. How did the Constitution, the Marshall Court, Hamilton's Economic Plan, and the War of 1812 combine to create a sense of nationalism? The exploration, settlement, exploitation, and conflicts of the "American Old West" form a unique tapestry of events, which has been celebrated by Americans and foreigners alike—in art, music, dance, novels, magazines, short stories, poetry, theater, video … Western frontier life, folklore and reality of the lives of the men and women who participated in the last phase of the settlement of the U.S. frontier.The western territories of the United States were settled in several stages. United States History - The Last Frontier. Since 1967, government-funded settlement projects in the West Bank are implemented by the "Settlement Division" of the World Zionist Organization. The completion of the railroads to the West following the Civil War opened up vast areas of the region to settlement and economic development. The West: Settlement of the Last Frontier a.