Create a free website or blog at This is the first of the changes of Thunder Riders, first by combining it with the Free American and going back to doing what I have been doing for so long and so well. Printing and postage have gone up and I now have to eat out more. I have made that choice and you hold it now in your hands. Don’t be too quick to condemn the Arabs based on the lies of the Jews. A week later there was another attempt on my life. He has a broad range of responsibilities including development, acquisitions, finance/underwriting, project management, asset management, and dispositions. It also happened to my friend John DeCamp, attorney and former  Congressman who will be speaking with me at the Next Conspiracy Con. They out shot everyone! Since Casey couldn’t be here to defend himself, Morris won and delivered Casey’s 70 acre ranch to the two illegals, who lied about Casey in court in Texas. “Why? A colonel in the army, James T. Ralph became the Secretary of Agriculture of California. Âges : 72 ans et plus. We do not advocate violence but we stress the right of self-defense and the individual’s right to bear arms, to be free of intrusive government, to privacy and the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. The defective towers were bought a few months earlier after a Jewish group called the Silverstein Company, insured to the hilt then “brought down”, providing a reason to launch a “war on terror”. I am your host. – Benjamin Franklin, "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. ASTROLOGY BIRTH CHART READING DONE BY VIJAY. This was perhaps the most In-Your-Face assault. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Gee, tough luck Clay! You are arrested! Who is capable of this? “Why should they, the Americans, have trusted us? The last straw and the reason this magazine came out so late, is my house was broken into and my computers stolen when I went out for a couple of hours. Il a étudié à Lycée André Malraux à BETHUNE entre 1979 et 1984. Profils Douglas Brut de sciage Que vous cherchiez un profil pour réaliser une charpente, une ossature, une clôture, bastaings, madriers, poteaux, chevrons, pannes, solives, lambourdes, planches, voliges, traverses paysagères, ou autres vous trouverez ici nos dimensions standards sur stock. Table of Contents January 1 2014 - 9th edition. They were shot in cold blood by over anxious agents. We are only allowed to think of the six million Jews supposedly killed by Hitler. And you’ll find nothing better to respond with than a lamblike bleat: “Me? The government does not want battle hardened American troops loyal to the Constitution returning to this country healthy and strong for fear they might realize that the same forces are at work that brought down Mother Russia and led to the formation of the USSR. I figured if I kept the Free American separate, I would be able to get more advertising. While I did discuss the Jews in the same manner they targeted Muslims, I am no racist. 16,99 € 16,99 € Recevez-le mercredi 3 février. Out of all the bars and restaurants in Phoenix, biker friendly or not, these are the only three places Bandit and I aren’t welcome. Casey and Tiny lived. (Another Story another time). Now, get out of my hospital!”. Then I was 86ed from Hardtailz and the Blooze. These people are the most freedom loving people I have ever met, including my years in the “Patriot Movement”. He moved. Some of you bikers know what happened to me. It documents a CIA/Mossad operation called Operation Watchtower that CIA director George Bush authorized while covering for the Mossad operatives, pretty much the way he did for the Mossad/CIA involved in 9-11. This loan to Clay Industries will help finance the establishment of a modern ceramic clay roof tile plant in Homs, Syria's third most important city. May 16, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by bubba r. Discover (and save!) Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. “We publish newspapers. Now all of you bikers will know the truth about who I am and why I published the. These attacks were once limited to high profile and loud activists, writers and publishers like Bill Cooper, John Kaminski and myself, today they are going after our readers, listeners or fans. HCPs Denied from the Approved Doctors List (ADL) HCP Name License Type License Number Status Denied Period Start Date Denied Period End Date; Adams, Curtis: DC: 4872: Denied from ADL: 6/8/2005 In the fourth month, I had been taken off all the debilitating drugs, like Haldol, Halcyon and morphine. your own Pins on Pinterest Even off the drugs, I had been experiencing, “You can thank us for that. It was handed to me by a Vietnam Vet active in the POW/MIA issue with the admonition, “Let’s see what kind of balls you have!”. “No I don’t. The next stories I sold to Easyriders and Motorcycle Industry sealed the fate of that Indian attempt. His “Minuteman Project” brought the mass invasion of America to the Television sets across America. John Kaminski is a regular on my shows. The last straw for me was the way things went down this year. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Nor are you told that the same. 4,1 sur 5 étoiles 465. If you don’t like my dog, you can kiss my ass! To modern times when we fought two world wars to give them  Palestine, all sides of those conflict financed by the bankers, including the Bushes. My website is blocked in most libraries and major companies around the country. Sy Newhouse, media baron. To Hell with you, Dave, Tumbleweed and Bridget. They fought long and hard to assure your freedom and prosperity. If I am to stay alive and keep working I had to decide which lifestyle and which path to follow. So much for freedom of speech and even  freedom of thought! One was financial because the motorcycle industry and interest in biker related reality TV was soaring and they are willing to advertise to reach this new segment of society. "It was the poverty caused by the bad influence of the
 English Bankers on the Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and...the Revolutionary War." He had just bought a ranch on the border and had backed an operation called Ranch Rescue. That’s all. I decided I (and all of us!) to me is happening every day to people around this country and the world. On May 20. mine was tapped, an accident arranged and I was sent to the hospital where a ¾ million dollar hospital bill was created by drugging me for 3 months. AKA: clay douglas, douglas c clay. . But, before Clay can even take his first call, a white delivery van pulls into the parking lot. There have been new attacks. Assemblies of God, elected Wednesday afternoon subsequent to George O. I am a little better off than Randy Weaver, Gordon Kahl, the Branch Davidians, Vince Foster and Ernst Zundel, who sitting in a German Prison for the “crime of denying the Holocaust. My wife chose to be with her ill sister in Tennessee. I wasted no time grieving. It did no good to explain to them that the reason I had a coke box out front is that my refrigerator would not hold enough cokes to last us for a month and the nearest store was 30 miles away. I was told that if. At that point in time, I had no idea that the accident might have been contrived, or how it had been set up. What for?” And this is a question, though repeated millions and millions of times before, has yet to receive an answer. Arizona is rapidly becoming the motorcycle capitol of the US, it is also building a national awareness of illegal immigration and its debilitating effect, thanks to the efforts of my friend and regular guest, Chris Simcox, publisher of the Tombstone Tumbleweed. Thoughts and articles by Clayton R. Douglas, publisher and Radio Talk Show Host for over 30 Years. For a, time there, I turned my back on the Patriot Movement, quit talking about the Illuminati, the politics, world events the involvement of the Jews/Zionists from the days of Christ to the days when the Bank of England run by the Rothschilds, ruled the world. The A Team from Firehouse #12 told the witnesses I would never make it, that no one injured as badly as I was, could possibly survive. When I called Warren Levenbaum to talk with him about advertising, I asked him what had happened. The bluff worked. For the witness, jerked from his bed, it is torture too — to go out night after night to help arrest his own neighbors and acquaintances. Message. We must prepare on the home front without relying on a government that is behind and profiting from millions of deaths and misery for millions. I closed my magazine down in Miami a short while after changing the name to Renegade Express. In twenty five years of publishing and writing I have never been sued for slander or libel. The lawyer they gave him didn’t show up the day of the trial. I made arrangements to borrow money on my property in NM to finance a gas station, convenience store and KOA style park shown on the previous page, as well as providing enough money to hire professionals to help me with Thunder Riders. Abraham Foxman, ADL. 22 bis av. He stresses, The need for such a magazine and radio show such as the Free American has never been greater. Powered by, Badges  |  In case of an emergency, we were at his command. Clay has 4 jobs listed on their profile. And who are you?”. A few days later, I was up, walking, fully conversational, having to carry my coffee in my right hand because of the three broken ribs and broken collar bone injured in the “accident”. A Marano Jew they call  themselves. Thunder Riders became the “premier motorcycle magazine in Arizona according to New Times. It ran parallel to “Iran Contra”. View Clay Douglas’ profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. I didn’t believe they were CIA. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. .But we aren’t taught that in our government, controlled schools. Money is no problem. Doulas de France est une association indépendante, qui fonctionne grâce aux adhésions de ses membres et au travail des volontaires. Despite the intense opposition, the Free American, supported by my mail order products and my website did well. two illegal aliens he had caught on the ranch in Texas. E 82dd8c55-ce69-435d-b811-6cb56b8b9df3 1 35 full I was given a title of Outreach Director and did several expos for them. Out one day, I ran into a friend, John Stapleton, who told me he got busted for disorderly conduct. And out of all our current Congressmen, only Ron Paul is telling it like it is. The fact is that this is not just about race or religion. I chose very carefully the "clips" that I wish to share with my audience, my people, my friends, my family and my countrymen. This operation involved George Bush, Ollie North, Bill Clinton and Manuel Noriega. Someone had obtained my SS number and was putting in applications with everyone they could contact. Her father was one of the political elite administrator types. I talked with Cyril at more length and learned that he had not been paid and there was no plan for producing more engines. He and the Chief of Police of the New Mexico State Police and every state. Those who advocate such a global system and the dismantling of our Bill of Rights, are either misguided, uninformed or, if totally knowledgeable, traitors to this country. A couple of years ago, I moved my headquarters to Phoenix to start another type of magazine for the hardcore Harley riders in Arizona. your own Pins on Pinterest Le clan Douglas est un clan écossais historique originaire des Lowlands écossais et tirant son nom du village de Douglas, dans le South Lanarkshire. I was hit with enough force to roll my Harley Davidson Road King over me three times. Even the mainstream is repeating that observation these days but they would have you believe that people like me are the enemy. “I was contracted to build two motors. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Clay Douglas et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. We believe that in a free society, it is the job of the press to be the watchman of the government. But until the Temple is rebuilt, Rockefeller will let them use his land in New York. The only problem was IMMI was operating out of Wayne’s Sheepskin Outlet and not a single tool or assembly line had been readied. Cannabis the light at the end of the tunnel . Omega Ruby: Claydol are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. Under Kennedy/Johnson, James Tyree Ralph was Assistant Secretary for Agricultural Stabilization, January 1961-March 1962. This will make you understand why the Free American went down despite all my efforts to restore it, I failed to get ANY support for the “Patriot Community. But it wasn’t nearly as good as the acid you brought here in the ixties. who sold my magazine. I look at the time behind me in terms of decades rather than years. .David Irving, a noted historian, sits in an Austrian jail for the same offense. He tried and I arrived before 9:00 AM the next morning, but I couldn’t see him. Israel is trying to say it has the right to go into any country to arrest and imprison any. Clay Douglas est sur Facebook. It didn’t have the same ring and I didn’t want to spend money on lawyers. For now I will combine the two to make the first and best biker news magazine in the country. While covering the Sturgis Rally, I was given a copy of a document that should have been labeled “Top Secret”. Perhaps I should have taken the CIA warning more seriously. As the Elitists expand their definition of “Enemies” the battle will begin to be bloody. to Illinois to try and put his relationship back together with his wife, Beth. The anger started to boil up in my eyes and my voice. My sons and wife kept the magazine we had started in Arizona the year before going while I lay drugged in the hospital. If we do not learn from the past, we are condemned to repeat it. In April of 2004 the story broke in the New York Times that Bush had allowed the NSA to  tap our phones. What I can do, I should do. He was being guarded by a dozen Border Patrol agents. ( Log Out /  He hired the Law Tigers to represent him. Everything I and my writers predicted 6 years ago, is happening right now. From the days of Rush Limbaugh mocking us as “Black Helicopter Types” and “Militia” to today’s attacks on activists in the Tea Parties, Ron Paul, his supporters and Veterans, this is merely history repeating itself. Livraison à 0,01€ seulement pour votre première commande expédiée par Amazon. They use Bandit as their excuse. If we, as Americans, don’t speak up now and come together and work together, what happened in Russia to this man, will happen to us here. Jan 27, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Frank Castrillo. It did not have an expiration date. The one, the ONLY free American.” The crowd roars. I urge you to tune in. It had not been a good time to sell my house in Miami. So how did these strangers know? Review. NAFTA, CAFTA and FTAA are a part of it, and the CFR has called for the North American Community to merge Canada and Mexico with the United States, Most news sources deal with small pieces of the big picture. Ses membres ont ensuite essaimé dans les Scottish Borders, l'Angus, le Lothian et au-delà. Keep in mind that most of the stories herein, are from all races and all religions. It went down but my critics and enemies were not satisfied. ADL Immobilier. Many officer and police are supportive of my work. – MARANO – Crypto-Jews of the Iberian Peninsula. From coast to coast, I rubbed elbows with the legends that Hollywood has tried to emulate. “Oh no, it has a coke box and a sign in front of it. Consultation and Advise can be sought on donations basis only and there is no any fixed fee charge demand for this service. Evidently there is no way of countering such a tactic. Gov. They warned us then of the dangers and pitfalls of global empires. The cameras on the Safeway parking lot showed they had no gun, had not shot at anyone. ", © 2021   Created by Pam Vredenburg. “I could Casey but it is expensive to do a magazine and even more to start a radio station.”, “Clay, I have a million and a half in one account. They’ll set things right!” And everything which is by now comprised in the traditional, even literary, image of an arrest, will pile up and take shape, not in your own disordered memory, but in what your family and your neighbors in your apartment remember: The sharp nighttime ring or the rude knock at the door. Lawsuits, Liens or Bankruptcies found on Douglas's Background Report Criminal or Civil Court records found on Douglas's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates View Details. If you think that is funny, or a reason to make fun of me ala Horard Stern and the ADL Jews and queers you may go straight to Hell and spare yourself my size 13 boot up your ass! That is why I am asking for your support financially. During re-assembly, be sure to avoid pinching the magazine spring under the box magazine. It then falls upon the people, being fully informed, to decide what actions they must take to preserve and defend their liberty. Aux dernières nouvelles il était à Alphonse Daudet à BARLIN et il y est toujours. You may think you know who Clay Douglas is but he may be more than you suppose. It was hardly the Terrorist Threat the ADL, SPLC and BATF tried to paint it as. ʿAdl (arabe : عدل, justice, témoin instrumentaire) est un terme arabe utilisé dans qu'on peut traduire par justice. Gary Johnson in his office. ... .my radio show with Clay Douglas on Aryan religion. “I am in charge of PR. “ As in neighboring Arizona, the organization of militias in New Mexico is in the nascent stages. Fortunately they were not aware of the fact I hadn’t eaten in four months. Another article on South County Motorcycles and a phone call to the bankruptcy attorney suggesting they allow Rey Sotello to produce the Indians Baughman had taken a deposit on, resulted in the production of Indians once more…for a time. I was talking to Cyril Batten, the man who designed and built the motor I had been promoting. Ce prêt accordé à Clay Industries permettra de financer l'établissement d'une usine moderne de fabrication de tuiles en argile céramique à Homs, [...] troisième grande ville du pays. Alone in Arizona, weakened with the loss, of one hundred pounds, shaken by the loss of my wife of twenty four years and without the help of my brilliant young sons, I managed to negotiate a deal with American Free Press to fulfill all of my Free American subscriptions with their paper. He wanted to help with the magazine and to build a radio station. The Free American is not affiliated with any political party, religious sect, secret society, cult, club or movement. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Douglas Clay. It did not occur to me at that time there was anything wrong. Once more, this is not a matter of race or religion. Discover (and save!) I won’t take drugs for it. CLAY DOUGLAS. If you want to help, just jump in and help. But home wasn’t home any longer. I mentioned his name or firm in my magazine he would sue me. and the strain of doing all the jobs entailed in publishing a magazine caught up to me. In later years, a. s a well known, controversial, publisher and broadcaster, I have been demonized, labeled, libeled and slandered by a wide range of opposition. Because of the kind of pressure I have been subjected to, the demonization of anyone or any, group that might resist, it is hard to find people who will take a stand and stand up and speak out. His son Ari, did the same with John, threatening him with a lawsuit if I wrote about the incident. So he was able to call Dallas and tell them what was used to blow up the building. We don’t like that.” They spoke matter-of-factly and without emotion. It is not like it hasn’t happened before. Too many of our ancestors fought and died to protect our Constitution, the oldest in the world, to insure that we would retain those liberties spelled out in our Bill of Rights. This ban came at a time when they were advertising with other magazines but not Thunder Riders even though I had given some of them free ads when they were going through hard times. I have been consistently 3 to 4 years ahead of the main steam. Here is the stated reason for my work that they appear to be so afraid of. “Boys, I have nothing against you but there are some things you need to know.. Their serious attacks on me continue until this day. I’ll be there in the morning.”. But the darkened mind is incapable of embracing these displacements in our universe, and both the most sophisticated and the veriest simpleton among us, drawing on all life’s experience, can gasp out only: “Me? But here, without the support of my Free American listeners and readers and without my family, the people that I hired turned out to be either incompetent or cons. Was this part of the response of the covert agency’s agenda or just a poor business decision on both our parts? I had been threatened by the CIA before, back in Miami when I published the story of George Bush Sr. use of the CIA and Special Forces to fly Cocaine from Columbia into Noriega in Panama under Operation Watchtower. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. in a dream world, separated from reality by your television and your newspapers. CLAY Didier : Didier CLAY, né en 1963 et habite BETHUNE. Sonny Barger, Don (Mother) Chambers, Angels, Outlaws and Banditos have been my friends for years. The ADL added that symbol along with several others on Thursday to its long-standing database of slogans and symbols used by extremists. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Clay… We need a broad view of what is really happening because what happened in Russia that led to the deaths of fifty million people under our “ally” Uncle Joe Stalin, and what is happening in Palestine and Iraq can and will happen here in time. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.” Edward Everett Hale, Some Bar Managers and Owners have banned me from their bars. who disagrees with its version of history. View Clay Douglas’ profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Dr. Henry Makow is Jewish. Silk Clay ® sont des pâtes à modeler lisses et douces, qui se laissent former très facilement. I started publishing a nationally distributed Motorcycle magazine called Rider’s Xchange in Miami. ADL Segment on Clay Douglas. I would chronicle the formation of IMMI through them. That number grew by ten in one week though I talked with no one and refused to give out any information to solicitors. I put my picture in the publisher’s column of my magazines. kinds of people are in Washington, pulling the President’s strings. I think I will pass. “It is statistcally impossible for a man to have this kind of bad luck!” my friend told me. Everyone now knows that Bush turned the NSA loose on the American people, but you may be surprised to read the story following this, about who was, and is, doing the actual tapping of our phones. Report an Issue  |  We have never given a thought to what lies behind them. Thunder Riders was, according to New Times, the premier motorcycle magazine in Arizona. I bedded this action from the rear tang to about 2 inches ahead of the recoil lug. Hour by hour planes fly there, ships steer their course there, and trains thunder off to it — but all with nary a mark on them to tell of their destination. All of my Free American readers have always known that I was a biker. We are CIA. By that time I called a nearby bank in New Mexico, I learned they could not loan me money because my credit score had gone down, not up, once I got the IRS liens cleared. They are using the politically correct code, Neo-Cons. He was going to restore Indian. Not pulling my boots off for a bunch of overzealous foreigners. This is unacceptable to us personally and incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights. [email protected] The insolent entrance of the unwiped jackboots of the unsleeping State Security operatives and the frightened and cowed civilian witness at their backs. The distribution of my magazine through Harley Dealerships was cut off by the main office. The plan for a one-world order is in place and the move to suspend our constitution and its power over the government in well underway. Change ). Ernst Zundel was kidnapped from his home here in the US and spirited away to Canada and then taken to Germany where he was imprisoned and charged with denying the holocaust. They tried one more time but that time I called the cops on them. When I told the investor his brother-in-law was an idiot, he fired me and sued me to keep me from doing a story on them. My head was smashed against a curb. Or just subscribe. En théologie islamique, il s'agit de la justice divine d'Allah (voir Adala). “Why did you do that?” they asked? I then started the Free American Magazine and the Militia in New Mexico working with the “Wake Up America group in Albuquerque. Those who go to the Archipelago to administer it get there via the training schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I read it, became just a little paranoid until I assured myself that the transfer of the document was not witnessed and I was not followed back to Miami. It was not only club members that I rode with. Whether it was the trauma of seeing the heretofore indestructible Clay Douglas so near death’s door, or the negative view of the doctors and the hospitals who would have liked to keep me institutionalized forever, or some other factor.