The Odyssey. Telemachos, in The Odyssey, and Everet's daughters, in O Brother have several similarities and differences. Begins with an invocation to the Muse. Homers Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou. O Brother, Where Art Thou- Doesn’t contain any supernatural forces like gods and goddesses, instead has normal people. Escapes from Calypso and various other monsters. In other words, if you go to that particular point on the DVD, you can see what is being discussed. The hero has a … Odysseus doesn't want help from the gods or goddesses, but he ends up getting help so that he can get home to Ithaca. O Brother, Where Art Thou- The movie takes place in the 1930’s. O Brother, Where Art Thou is a parody of The Odyssey written and produced by the Coen brothers. The Odyssey describes the adventurous, but dangerous return of Odysseus and his crew to Ithaca from the Trojan War. O Brother, Where Art Thou? Clooney has 2 prison buddies. Homer’s epic The Odyssey and Ethan Coen and Joel Coen’s movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? Reddit. was made in 2000 but takes place in the 1930s. One important point is that in the citations for the film, the time on the DVD version of the movie is given. The movie is more of a comedy, and the poem is more of a dramatic story of an epic hero on a long journey. On the face, Homer’s The Odyssey and Oh, Brother Where Art Thou, written and produced by Joel and Ethan Coen have very little in common. The most notable differences between the two media are the setting, the number of primary characters, and the history and story of the main character(s). is about a group of three convicts who encounter many unique events in search for a lost treasure. The movie O Brother Where Art Thou?is an adaptation of The Odyssey by Homer.O Brother Where Art Thou? Comparing and Contrasting the Odyssey to O’ Brother Where Art ThouThe Odyssey and O’ Brother Where Art Thou have many similarities and differences. The movie is in English and features real con men. LinkedIn. is not and exact reincarnation of the original masterpiece, there are still a vast amount of similarities between the two. Reference this Share this: Facebook. Therefore, the producers of O Brother, Where Art Thou? Begins with an invocation to the Muse. The Sirens in the Odyssey and in O Brother, Where Art Thou? Twitter. The Odyssey was first an oral story, passed down by word of mouth, until it was written down by Homer during the Greek rule. The poem and the movie have different settings and time periods. What are some differences between the movies "O brother Where Art Thou" and "The Odyssey"? are remarkably similar despite several large differences. Hero's Journey Similarities Hero's Journey Throughout The Odyssey The hero has help from divine or supernatural forces. The Odyssey was written in Greek many years ago and features real heroes. This movie shows a more modern 1930s look at The Odyssey written by the Greek poet Homer. Many stories and movies have been based on the same plot as The Odyssey, but one movie in particular did a wonderful job in comparing the two stories, “O Brother, Where Art Thou. What are the differences between the Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou? Railroad homeless man is a blind fortune teller. “The Odyssey”- Contains gods and goddesses in it to help make it an epic poem. Odysseus has a crew. Escapes from jail. Info: 2155 words (9 pages) Essay Published: 1st Jan 2015 in English Literature. Editor’s Note: This is a comparison between the ancient epic, The Odyssey and the modern film O Brother, Where Art Thou? There are many differences between the epic story of the Odyssey; the second book in the Iliad series and the old western movie portrayed in the deep south, Oh Brother Where Art Thou. Ulysses (George Clooney) Odysseus. The strongest parallel that jumps out between the two stories is the events with the Cyclopes. are describing baptisms as a new beginning and new thought, then comparing it to the lotus eaters of The Odyssey. The movie “O Brother, Where Art Thou” is remarkably similar to Homer’s “Odyssey” in both plot and character description.