THAT CAME FROM MY DOCTOR. Just want to know how to interpret my tests when they come back. anti ttg iga was 42(20 and above is positive) total iga normal anti Gliadin igA 55(20 is positive) I went GF and retook the test this month.Anti Ttg igA went down to 17 but anti gliadin igA went up to 70. First, your body doesn't lie. I am just confused by the might.Any thoughts? You've found your Celiac Tribe! I know during my diet change that I didn't 100% not have gluten but for a period of 4 weeks think i didn't have it and I'd swear my symptoms got worse with the diet change. Yes both can ultimately kill you and make sure very sick but if you just smoke a little and drink a little you probably are not going to die. When is the best time to call? Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies (tTG-IgA) – the tTG-IgA test will be positive in about 98% of patients with celiac disease who are on a gluten-containing diet. His older sister has confirmed Celiac. Call 408-733-0400.To your good health,Dr Vikki, Hello My daughter recently had the following blood work results. We're here to help! The more I research and read the more I question if celiac is really what is going on.Any input would be appreciated.Thank you. I know that gluten can damage your system without you even knowing it, or sign of any systems. He wants me to make an appt with a Gastrointerologist. You're young and you deserve to enjoy good health. Tonedown I also had a biopsy done in 2008. Tirer is negative. Two years ago, his test was negative. There is a history of GI problems on his fathers side (IBS, Chrones). I am little confused. I am thinking that if I go off gluten anyway I am probably going to feel 1000 percent better. This site places cookies on your device (Cookie Settings). My TTG IgA came back 8.9 U/ml, a weak positive. My blood work is as follows:IGA. Call 408-733-0400.Best,Dr Vikki, This are my test results:Gliadin Ab (IGA) 49 units (<20)---[Is it very high? My Theory is that Gluten intolerance is like smoking, or drinking. Dear Anonymous asking about your children. Is tTG elevated in all cases of gluten sensitivity? @anonymous who wrote:When is usually the best time to call? @Christine Pett:Hello. Results were interpreted as negative: Total IgA 72 (52-290 mg/dL)tTG/igA 1.3 (less than 4.0)DGP 1 (less than 20)AGA IgA 1 (less than 20)AGA igG 4 (less than 20)We went gluten free before getting the test results back and she hadn't complained about Achilles pain one time in three weeks. So I guess I diagnosed myself. He had extensive surgery as a newborn, would this alter his results? Per the information you provided the anti-gliadin Ab was the only positive test. It would be for my lab but different labs have different reference ranges.The IgA is a bit high indicating some immune system stress, but unclear as to why at this point.So, I need more data. 4.0-10.0 U/mL (weak positive) ... Tissue Transglutaminase Ab, IgG, S: 56537-4: Forms. I very much want to help you and your son.Please consider contacting me at the clinic for a free health analysis - it's no charge and then we can speak. Panel not recommended for screening celiac disease. Any explanation? We're here to help! You can call for a free phone consultation if you'd like: 408-733-0400. Another great test, if you're still consuming gluten is Cyrex Labs comprehensive profile for both celiac and gluten sensitivity.You obviously feel poorly after eating gluten, now we just need to find out if you're gluten sensitive or celiac. verify here. Note:I have ibs out bursts, low intestine problems for sure off and on. I mean if I do have the small possibility to get it, why even risk it. I think you can have a spec every now and then just like you can have a drink of alcohol every now and then. Tissue transglutaminase IgA level =1.8 kU/L (<5.0) and IgM = 0.76 g/L and IgA= 2.76 g /l and IgG =14.2 g /L. Mild Chronic non-specific grastritis. Does celiac disease run in your family?As you can see I have many questions. It is quite suspicious. Specimen Type Temperature Time Special Container; Serum: Refrigerated (preferred) 21 days Frozen 21 days: Advisory Information. 2-Do I go off gluten or do I stay on it? Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgG 3 units 0 - 19 Negative 0 - 19 Weak Positive 20 - 30 Moderate to Strong Positive >30 t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA <2 Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) has been identified as the endomysial antigen. I think listen to the advice by Dr Viki is the best. Call 408-733-0400 - we are here to help.Best,Dr Vikki, I have a transglutaminase IgG of 34.7 which said 15 is average. Hi - I think I'm dealing with the opposite problem of most people here. 4.0-10.0 U/mL (weak positive) ... Tissue Transglutaminase Ab, IgG, S: 56537-4: Clinical Information. I am just trying to interpret her numbers. I just still feel in my heart, that if I go 100% off gluten for 3-4 years, heal my system, heal my villi, I could have a little piece of gluten here and there in really small amounts. My Celiac Panel was negative X2 (a year apart) but this test:Allergen Gluten IgG was 11.0 mcg/ml ref = <2Gliadin IGG - 5 unitsGliadin IGA - 6 unitsImmunoglobulin A 175 mg/dl Tissue Transglutaminase NO antibody detectedSo, does this sound consistent with needing a GF diet? With the other results being negative the more likely disorder is gluten sensitivity but this would need to be corroborated with other information.I cannot diagnose you over the internet, of course, but if you'd like some assistance, consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400.We are here to help! We get a lot of traffic and every once in a while an email gets missed, I apologize.I would need more information in order to answer your question. Call 408-733-0400.Best,Dr Vikki. I went in to the doc for chronic diarrhea and bloating. Of patients with at least one positive serologic screening antibody, 145 (62.5%) did not undergo a small bowel biopsy. Looking for some advice. Immounoglobulin a is 136. A tissue transglutaminase antibody, or IgA tTG. Keep it light but I can manage it. It's a better format than this one to ensure I answer all your questions.Just call 408-733-0400.I look forward to hearing from you!Best,Dr Petersen, Here are my test resultsCoeliac serologyDeaminated Gliadin Iga 1 U/mL (<15)Deaminated Gliadin IgG <1 U/mL (<15)Tissue Transglutaminase IgA <1 (<15)Tissue Transglutaminase IgG <1 (<15)Told its a normal result fir a person who eats wheat.I also have done a simtomax test which indicated positve for coeliac disease and IgA deficient, I am confused. 3. A small bite is enough to damage you and put you at risk for autoimmune disease, the same way the whole cookie or loaf of bread will.NO, you cannot cheat! Rick and Vikki Petersen, authors of the bestseller, "The Gluten Effect", a book which exposes the dangers of gluten and provides a path to good health for those with gluten sensitivity. It is accurate at detecting most people with celiac disease on a gluten-containing diet. Initially she suspected gallbladder because every aunt, my mom and my Gma have had gallbladders removed. HLA-DQ2 – NegativeHLA-DQ8 – PositiveHLA-DQA1* – 01HLA-DQA1* – 03HLA-DQB1* – 0302HLA-DQB1* – 0503Both My Doctor’s Recommendations: Doctor 01 – Internal MedicineSays that my Peptide IgA = 20 means that I have a gluten sensitivity and that I should go on a gluten free diet. Now I get these numbers are below the ref range for celiac and I know due to a gluten free diet she is sensitive or intolerant. Hi, I just got my test results as following, Component Your Value Standard RangeTTG IgA Ab 0.3 u/ml 0.1 - 10.0 u/mlCould you please tell me what does it mean? does it mean i have celiac disease? The test results you sent aren't quite complete. Also, realize that these tests aren't perfect so a negative test could still mean a positive gluten intolerance.I know that's a little frustrating, but we can figure it out. I was sent to GI doctor and had an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I think you just need some accurate data to help you make the right decision for yourself.Best,Dr Vikki Petersen. @Anonymous: that is a negative test, since the value is 0.3 and the reference range is 0.1 to 10.0. Which country are you from? In the real world rather than studies it's RARE that people test positive to every celiac test. The results you shared are not only consistent with celiac but also, it appears, additional autoimmune diseases. Hi Dr Viki,Can you help me with this?I had some blood tests taken 5 months earlier. Also said my IgA = 680 is of no significance because it has stabilized and actually lowered from 710 to 680.Doctor 02 – GI DoctorSays my Genetic Test doesn’t mean anything and that the only way to find out for sure is to stay on gluten and perform a Biopsy. I mean I could do a Biopsy and stay on gluten like one of my Doctors say, but what’s the point? Except for the IGA total? IgG is a part of the immune system, not the name of the test. The key is to discover the reason why. If you are IgA deficient it would be good to find out why. Endomysial Ab IgA – Negative Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody (tTG) 23 – Normal is 0-20. There are different factors that can influence the outcome of the test, and some celiacs show no antibodies on the test but their biopsies show damage. This seemed to mean I'mean not NCIS or CDMA. I can see by IGA is above standard range, but what do the other numbers mean? Recently did a gluten sensitivity test. Some stomach issues but nothing major- I just thought it was normal to have spastic bowel movements a few times a month. Its up to you. All the values you wrote down are negative.That doesn't necessarily mean you don't have a problem w/ gluten as there are more comprehensive tests, but the ones you cite are negative.If you're having health difficulties and want to get to the root cause of what's happening, consider contacting us for a free health analysis (call 408-733-0400). @LauraS - thank you for writing. I have it possibly in my genes and I feel amazing. Although after my biopsy they said the last one was not consistent with the biopsy. This after 30 years of being sick with celiac and undiagnosed. symptoms improve once gluten has been eliminated5. Personally I am pro-vegan, but that's beside the point.If it critical that your daughter avoid all gluten plus get assistance in healing her gut. According to this study, the EMA-IgA should be at least as sensitive/specific as the tTG IgA antibodies. I am unable to understand my results below, would you be able to help me?Celiac Disease TestingDeamidated Gliadin peptide Ab IgG = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)“Reference” is <12.00----Note on Test: IgG antibody to deamidated gliadin has approximately 85% sensitivity and 95% specificity for celiac disease. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: So I am trying to understand what some tests mean. Started Tuesday at 08:17 AM. Please give my office a call at 408-733-0400 and we can set up a free phone consultation. Here are my blood test results:IGA = 221 mg/dL (ref range 70-400 mg/dL)Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA = 1.5 units/ml (ref range <4.0 (negative))Tissue Transglutaminase Ab Igg = 19.2 units/ml (ref range <6.0 (negative))I was told by the GI that my blood test indicates Celiac so she said she would take a small intestine biopsy during my scope. @sunshynne - Thank you for writing. 2-If I don’t, does it looking like I am getting it?3-What should I do?4-Can you be in between it? Han Please help. It can be very dangerous from the perspective of developing an autoimmune disease or worse.If you'd like to speak, consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - call 408-733-0400. Their clinic, Root Cause Medical Clinic, is located in the heart of Silicon Valley in California. Lastly, waiting until things get worse is a bit like playing Russian roulette - it's something I just don't advise.And finally, I'm happy to offer you a free phone consultation (408-733-0400) to ensure you get the assistance you need. -Thank you for writing. Hi, both my sons were told to go on gluten free diet after one of the four tests had come back pos. My lab results seem to say that, if anything, I only have a mild gluten allergy yet I have a doctor saying I can never eat wheat, gluten or dairy again for the rest of my life (the last shows in very low positive - just .06 over the Equivocal range into 'Out of Range' - and Equivocal ranges on a Cyrex lab).I have LabCorp tests:Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgA=4 units (1-19 Negative; 20-30 Weak Positive; >30 Moderate to Strong Positive)Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgG=2 units (1-19 Negative; 20-30 Weak Positive; >30 Moderate to Strong Positive)t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA = <2 U/ml (0-3 = Negative; 4-10 Weak Positive; >10 Positive)t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG = <2 U/ml (0-5 = Negative; 6-9 Weak Positive; >9 Positive)Endomysial Antibiody IgA NegativeImmunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum = 222 mg/dl (91-414 Limit range)Is this doctor trying to hit me with a "Every problem is Gluten sensitivity or Celiacs!" They have to even ask if they use the same kitchen tools for their non-gluten cooking because they are worried that they might have a trace of gluten on it. Days of the week? The positive amongst these is the anti-gliadin antibody, IgA. That’s not my main question. The BioPlex method includes an internal control to confirm IgA is sufficent, thus avoiding false negatives due to IgA deficiency. I don't know what test came back pos for my oldest, but I am going to get to the bottom of that soon. However, I have read that blood tests alone cannot diagnose someone because they are not 100% reliable. Maybe some people react differently or have the pain like my dad and have to avoid, I don’t know. So I take levinthroxine and am vitamin D deficient. Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody - IgG Isotype. I also have Anemia and Cirossis of the liver. Are there conditions other than celiac disease that can raise Ttg IgA levels? "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." So what am I to think? There are also individuals who do have celiac and the tTG test is negative, although that is less common.The problem is doctors run a "token" celiac test and then erroneously tell you that you are fine to eat gluten. Method Name . I recommend your book to everyone. I'd be happy to help and ensure you're on the right path the regain your health. DGP levels were shown to decline and disappear without a gluten-free diet. Weak Positive: 4-10 units. What would be your recommended course of action? ?I'd have to know your symptoms and why the test was run but it shouldn't have been run without any other tests to back it up and support it. Cascade testing is recommended for celiac disease. Big question: Have you now removed gluten from your diet?I'm not sure what your symptoms are, and that would help to know also. Silent celiac myself. I was told put him on a gf diet. I went for a blood test and they performed a celiac disease panel. I mean it’s like night and day. Was there a total IgA? My TTG IgA came back 8.9 U/ml, a weak positive. If you do the first step is to eliminate ALL gluten. Based on what you wrote here, those values are all negative. I just received results from a celiac panel and am having a hard time interpreting the results based on the research I've done.gliadin antibody iga 4 (less than 20 is normal)gliadin antibody igg 3 (less than 20 is normal)ttg iga 5 (less than 20 is normal)ttg igg 4 (less than 20 is normal)According to this report everything is normal...but in some of my research it looks like Iga levels less than 7 indicate another problem. I can't say why yours showed as only weakly positive, but please do ot disregard the seriousness of it, even if your doctor does! Hello Everyone!I’m back and I’m still here. I was tested and the results are confusing;IMMUNOGLOBULIN A 248 mg/dL [46-287]TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE IgA 3 units [<19]Can you advise if this may be false negative? By the way, some people get substantial relief from joint pain by eliminating all nightshade vegetables from their diet. I cannot give medical advice to you over the internet but speaking generally, I can give you some ideas. As long as the number is negative, your daughter is doing well.If the 13 is positive, then I would be looking at contamination, hidden gluten and potentially cross-reactive food reactions.Consider contacting us for a free health analysis if you would like some assistance figuring it out. they tested under 19(=negative) for dgp IgG and igA, too.i am still worried because i have two dq8's, out of range occludin/zonulin IgM and lipopolysaccarides IgM. Let’s look at this one. So I did eat 2 years completely gluten free . @ZZUnderstand that a positive test result is a positive result. 1 - 3 days. Primary said maybe is celiac. Further, I don't have a problem with these foods when I'm overseas (but, for grain products, that's more to do with an inability to use folic acid and being MTHFR C677T homozygous - another kettle of fish. My Doctor said I was on the borderline now. IGA <3 Range <5Then last year Everything the same but Gliadin IgG 23.4 High Range <10What does it mean that eveything is normal BUT the Gliadin IgG? etc. Two of the doctors, Drs. Colon was normal but duodenal biopsy showed "partial villous atrophy with non-specific malabsorptive pattern". I wanted to know if I could get Celiac or have Celiac. You could eat gluten once or twice a month and never get cancer, or develop something worse or you could. What are abnormal results? Celiac disease is associated with a variety of autoantibodies, including endomysial, tissue transglutaminase (tTG), and deamidated gliadin antibodies. Doctor told me to go on gluten free diet since tests are positive for celiac disease. Tissue Transglutaminase Ab, IgA/IgG Useful For Evaluating patients suspected of having celiac disease, including patients with compatible clinical symptoms, patients with atypical symptoms, and individuals at increased risk (family history, previous diagnosis with associated disease, … Celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy, celiac sprue) results from an immune-mediated inflammatory process following ingestion of wheat, rye, or barley proteins that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals. The endomysial Iva is negative. As you know I cannot diagnose over the internet, so I will just answer some questions you have that are general in data.1. The finding of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgG antibodies may indicate a diagnosis of celiac disease, particularly in individuals who are IgA deficient. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method.Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)“Reference” is <12.00-----Note on Test: IgA antibody to tissue transglutaminase has approximately 95% sensitivity and specificity for celiac disease.