You can also search for multiple aspects in a chart at a time by using the Advanced Search. A mother with 5th house Vesta conjunct Mars may push her children to fulfill her dreams of success and achievement. for any square aspect. Those with Mars conjunct, square or opposite Pluto have an insatiable amount of drive, energy, and enormous willpower. I’m so thankful this article was the first thing to pop up when I searched moon conjunct Pluto in first house. Now, both Mars and Pluto are associated with Scorpio, which everybody knows rules the genitals and is a sign known for self-control, passion, profundity, probing. The grand cross will affect each and every one of us generally. I say this because the Sun and Moon in the same sign is given a lot of weight, even if the pair are not actually conjunct. However,,. or second coming? Mars Pluto energy IS sex. Whatever planet or angle Vesta touches becomes imbibed with dedication. Discover your planetary positions, aspects, aspect patterns, chart shapes, houses, and more. Mars conjunct Venus is an important aspect for everyone because it is made between two opposed planets with different symbolism. Mars square or opposition Pluto with its more dynamic qualities can make for a domineering bully or ruthless dictator in an un-evolved soul. September 24, 2025, May 26, 2026 This should not be too much of a challenge given your strong work ethic and determination to succeed. These are the quality times to deal with people, places and things Head On. As the ego consciousness is focused on life's mission, personal power is mobilized to attain success, to organize one's life and to express personal authority. The person sometimes gives an irresistible pull and compels others by being so secretive, fascinating and intense. Hi Jamie, could Mars square Pluto be restrictions to move (e.g UK lockdown) ? Through sheer force of will, this conjunction inclines one to seek a mission in life and to fulfill it. But is also uses Sun and Moon so you can blend all three and keep the best parts of them. I’m in a confusion. The second Artist’s Proof, AP, to the trinity is the Geocentric Jupiter-Saturn, Dec 21, 2020. I enjoy reading your work so much. Edwina Currie 0°03′, Rolf de Heer 0°05′, Stewart Granger 0°06′, Penélope Cruz 0°11′, Johnn McEnroe 018°’, Bruce Lee 0°19′, Sonny Bono 0°20′, ... Transiting Mars will be conjunct natal Pluto in Libra, opposite natal Sun in Aries Monolith May 9, 2028 The people felt imposed upon by me as though I was challenging them when I wasn’t. Allowing periods around the Change of the Seasons to guide our “Opposition” priorities, ie. On Monday and Tuesday of last week, I had two consecutive instances of road rage where I was the recipient of harsh language from another driver even though I did nothing wrong. With the past lunar eclipse and the coming solar eclipse, also the Uranus/Mars conjunction in my 10th, should I be worried? There may be a tendency to bottle up any anger and resentment, which would only result in an outburst of destructive rage. I don't feel that Venus conjunct Mars in a natal chart is well understood. The orbs arae a little wide but I would think that the happiness of your soul depends a lot on controlling you desires and aggression. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});, Mercury Retrograde January 30, 2021 – Damocles Syndrome, Full Moon January 28, 2021 – Anger Management, New Moon January 13, 2021 – Soul Evolution. A lot of powerful energy is about to unleash. They are in danger about their strong sexual drive for one another. & Moon Combination, Interpretations for Chart Shapes in the Natal Chart, The Meaning of Mutual Reception and Sole Dispositors in a Natal Birth Chart. The very tight aspects clearly reveal the assets and the vulnerabilities of the chart's owner. I just wanted to ask for my part of fortune in leo, it’s squarring my Pluto at the same degree 29’02 in the 6th Scorpio. However, there is still the possibility of your rise to power resulting in aggressive actions from others. Even the stars with the worst reputations have a positive influence. Quick question: I noticed that you only mentioned the Grand Cross for Decan 2 Pisces. Not many modern astrologers would say that. For example a large bouquets of flowers, expensive gadgets, and other top quality things they can afford. Their Mars is influencing them to be sexual and creative, … A lot of celebrities have fixed signs as ascendants (especially Leo). They were both potentially violent situations, but I stood my ground. An individual with Mars conjunct Saturn has to deal with feelings of anxiety when showing aggressive feelings. If yes how Uranus (planes and unexpected) came into play? Hi Jamie! By Sun Yes, both the Heliocentric and Geocentric Jupiter-Saturn conjunction charts do not favor head on confrontation, I know this feeling because oppositions are absent, and they are rare in my natal, ie. “Reading this aspect makes me wonder if someone wants to ride the trinity, put their name on it, and call it their own. Also, try not to be overly assertive or make others feel threatened. In 2020 – Mars will retrograde over Eris, he hasn’t been rx in Aries for 32 years, his last retrograde in Aries was in 1988. And I also have my Mars conjunct ras El assad, what does it mean ? Venus conjunct Mars. Manifestations of this aspect are a fear of failure, fear of entering new situations, or a fear of being selfish. They have an almost inexhaustible tap of strength and vitality if they choose to use it. This kind of sums up the Vesta energy. It’s as if two, big, powerful players are inside me with very different agendas. July 1, 2022 She’s always wanted to control over the years and it’s drove me mad! the passion will be Plutonic, as in, transformative and dark. The big question is how will Pluto respond to aggressive Mars? June 13: Mars (20 Pisces) conjunct Neptune-June 18: Mars (24 Pisces) sextile Pluto-June 18: Mars sextile Jupiter Once again, Saturn-Pluto people take note. We will also look at the health problems that can be associated with this aspect and at some celebrities that have Mars conjunct Venus in the natal chart. Ascendant 20Sag06, And look at that! This is pure, raw, overpowering rage that I have seen. Why not for me (Decan 1)? just feel okay with these aspects or start worrying? I thought they were applicable for the few times I used them. If you’re part of a Mars-conjunct-Pluto pairing, you may wish to check the Scorpio sector of your natal horoscope in order to reflect on in which area of life you typically exert and/or give away your power. People with a planet in virgo harshly aspecting pluto/mars or in the 8th house, or mars/pluto in virgo/6th house can become really bad control/clean freaks. Even something creative would help by burning up the energy with your imagination, but muscles will burn it quicker. This is because of your intense desire to gain control over others, or of situations. Transiting Mars square Pluto was in effect. Although you do have this tremendous energy to draw on, the assertiveness of the Mars square Pluto energy can sometimes turn to aggressiveness if your ambitions are blocked, or your goals challenged by others. Good question Chris, As a rough guide I would say 4 degrees for this kind of aspect and up to 6 degrees for ones involving Sun or Moon. Thanks, Out of curiosity : if Mars transit is conjunct natal midheaven would it be different? September 9, 2027 Will I not be affected by the grand cross in April? We have a relationship but nolove. I have not heard of that aspect indicating strength, but fixed star Regulus sure does. Its ok with me! – so I had my sadomasochist phase with soap and a shower nearby. That’s right, because POF is calculated from the Ascendant. However, if they decide to adopt a destructive behavior, they can become aggressive, mean and cynical. So the December 21 chart, no oppositions and your analysis is good. You ok with that? However, astrological aspects between planets are as representative - if not more - of the natal chart's signature. Midheaven/Pluto. Edwina Currie 0°03′, Rolf de Heer 0°05′, Stewart Granger 0°06′, Penélope Cruz 0°11′, Johnn McEnroe 018°’, Bruce Lee 0°19′, Sonny Bono 0°20′, Queen Mary 0°21′, Alexis Ford 0°21′, Antonio Banderas 0°25′, Julie Newmar 0°28′, Oprah Winfrey 0°34′, Tyler Perry 0°36′, Isadora Duncan 0°41′, Olivia Newton-John 0°42′, Noel Tyl 0°44′, Robert Englund 0°46′, Herb Ritts 0°51′, James II of England 0°53′, Jimmy Swaggart 0°55′, Richard Carpenter 0°55′, Juana Barraza 0°56′, Glen Singleman 0°57′, Gerry McCann 0°58′, Roman Polanski 1°07′, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia 1°08′, Harvey Weinstein 1°10′, Tim Robbins 1°19′, Johnny Carson 1°22′, Hank Locklin 1°22′, Angus Young 1°28′, Alexander Scriabin 1°33′, William Butler Yeats 1°35′, Diahann Carroll 1°38′, Barry Sheen 1°41′, Vincent Price 1°43′, Muhammad Ali 1°44′. The same as for the ascendant ? It's less sex with him, though because it's in his 10H Virgo. There are many, many Angles and Guardians that helped with this creation. They are playing fire that can … These other people or even organizations will feel threatened by your increasing power. (love Pluto) Moon conjunct the North Node–the person will bring the Node their heart. Mercury Conjunct Pluto - 2020 has been a very difficult year and 2021 will have its challenges for different reasons. Even if you chose to play it safe, you may have to deal with other people trying to dominate you or challenge your ego or position at work. People with more power than you will have the upper hand during this transit, so now is not the time to be starting fights and making enemies. Can you suggest any interpretation or direct me to books that highlight past lives according to astrology? Hillary Clinton - Natal Astrology Chart. I think you are saying that it will be easier to shy away from conflict at this time, but since there are no oppositions its actually the perfect time to resolve them. I have been experiencing since the 25th Jan how someone was trying to assert her power or have the upper hand, although the person is neither an authority or superior but I had to involve superiors and authority to calm down the situation. Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. It is indeed a time to be careful in situations where people are known to be quick-tempered. Any misuse or misdirection of personal power can lead to disasters. You can also check the Aries portion for where recognition is paramount to you, and for where the first impetus of inspiration plays out Explore the natal birth charts of celebrities and famous people by aspect: conjunction, square, trine, opposition, sextile and quincunx. Venus conjunct Mars people are irresistible to pretty much everyone. Pluto conjunct the North Node—there will be all sorts of primal passion which will define the relationship, for either better or worse. More positively, Mars sextile or trine Pluto will give the subject steel guts and the deep courage of … I figured something like this would probably show up in a transit chart. Mars square Pluto natal creates a strong desire to assert your dominance and achieve a position of power in life. Eris was not yet discovered(and they did not quite meet during that 1988 rx) The coming rx in Aries – Mars begins conjunct Eris and BML, and then squares Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. When dating, composite Jupiter conjunct Pluto love giving and receiving gifts. Mars 18°41, venus 12°39 -gemini Pluto 0°37, ceres 2°20 -sagittarius Moon in 4°5 taurus and uranus 3°14 aquarius Well, most of chart are conjunctions and squares I have boyfriend who has pivotal square too. This year has been such a rollercoaster, with Uranus tightly conjunct my Sun.So this cardinal T square will trigger my natal Sun- Pluto oposition. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng. AAAnd in the opposing corner sits Moon Conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. Sun and mercury conjunct in capricorn. Mars conjunct Pluto Natal . Hi Angel, I can definitely see the link to a war zone, but not necessarily cancer. There may be some test to teach you not to abuse your power by trying to control others through being bossy or threatening in any way. If Vesta touches Mars, the person often gives all they have to a task, or drive others towards achieving a goal. You ok with that? Some Famous People with Mars conjunct Pluto: Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Ringo Starr, Yves St. Laurent, Brooke Shields, Boz Scaggs, Franklin Roosevelt, Paul McCartney, Sarah Jessica Parker, Melanie Griffith, Zelda Fitzgerald, Tony Curtis. Check with Venus.”, Courtenay chart, Progressed Venus, 18Pis29 Reading this aspect makes me wonder if someone wants to ride the trinity, put their name on it, and call it their own. As I add more celebrities to the lists of conjunctions it will become clearer, and less scarier. Although there is the association with Pluto with the disease, Jupiter or Neptune would have more impact than Mars I would think. If there is nothing mentioned for a particular planet with a star then I would stick to the general description. For people with a Venus-Mars conjunction in their natal charts, the blending of the feminine and masculine energies within is a natural process, although other aspects to the conjunction will tell the whole story as to how this is done. I would love to know your thoughts. hi jamie , i wanted to ask how many degrees do you use for the orbs ? The violent emotions hidden underneath … Hi Jaime: I have Mars conjunct Saturn both square Pluto in the 5th. I am curious about what you are implying. The chart is implying that we will have difficulty confronting our children/parents preferring to move to the flanks. The first being the Heliocentric, Nov 2, 2020. For instance, a soft aspect between Jupiter and Mars indicates entrepreneurs and action-oriented men and women, a tense aspect between the Moon and Mars points to … I’m a Leo. They love hanging out at the 5-star restaurants, and expensive movie dates in … (Saturn-Mercury-Jupiter opposite Ascendant). But Mars is conjunct Pluto – in Virgo – thank G*d! I am sorry for the misplaced question but I wasn’t able to comment under the Pisces April forecast post. Mars conjunct Saturn Natal People born during the Mars conjunct Saturn transit are more determined than others and always ready to invest all of their efforts in achieving their goals. Courtenay, BC, Canada Resist the urge to retaliate or undermine your enemies. Hi Gerald I think I understand you a little better now. August 21, 2029. They can't handle the urge of manipulation, force, lust, passion, intense drama, and violence. He knows better because of his age. When confronted with a provocative or confrontational situation, they feel that to express anger is to risk losing control, hurting someone else’s … My Pluto moon picks up on that. AstroSeek, Free … Thanks for replying Jamie , I have another question: I have my mars in leo in the 3rd house at 22 degrees conjuct my part of fortune at 27 degrees and my part of fortune square my pluto at the same degree 27 scorpio pluto in the 6th ( part of fortune is in leo in the 3rd ). Pluto is the most remote planet. How can I apply regulus on the part of fortune ? We see oppositions as transits during Summer and Fall solar ingress. I have a son has this Mars Square Pluto Orb 6 ° 11 On the Geocentric, Mars square Pluto is within one degree orb, with primary energies angular on the ascendant and midheaven, especially the luminaries. Does it indicate a strong physical strength? Maybe I should add that I have Venus and Mars in Scorpio… a 29d Venus at that… I knew Mars was involved somehow but I wasn’t sure how. The key to gaining the upper hand is to stay focused on your own aims. The tremendous drive and ambition of this aspect, plus endless energy reserves and perseverance, means that you can in fact meet your goal for power and influence. Or maybe they were in the mood to challenge me since I tend to think of the transiting planet to represent the person, in this case Mars. People born during the Mars conjunct Pluto aspect seem to possess a lot of energy they need to use in a constructive manner, especially if they want to keep their courage and being active. Are the stars appliable for the draconic chart ? Diane von Fürstenberg, Scorpio Rising, Venus-Jupiter in the first house, and Mars conjunct her Capricorn Sun… Lana Del Rey, Scorpio Rising… Grimes, a Pisces… Katy Perry, Scorpio Ascendant, + Sun, Mercury, Saturn & Pluto in Scorpio… Prince, Pluto on the Midheaven at 29º Leo… Pluto Is Your Ruler… Big surprise. You’re researching, obsessive, intense, and … I was once told by a psychic that my former life was during WW11 possibly in Germany and thoughts of the holocaust causes deep fear and sorrow in me. Mars Opposite Pluto or Mars Square Pluto in Synastry These two main characters in the story below has the Mars opposite Pluto or Mars square Pluto in the Synastry. Born with a Pluto-Mars conjunction opposite the Moon, Jolie’s relationships, preferences, and mystique exemplify the … My Virgo Mars Pluto hugs my IC so I hate myself unless I bathe myself in cologne and showers then I am transformed. Mars Pluto aspects marry sex with power. … When you set your mind to something, nothing will tear you away, and everything else in your life can fall by the wayside. Pluto Cardinal Point Cancer, 00°Can21’13”, from above What does it mean to have my mars conjuct part of fortune and my part of fortune square pluto? Hi Jamie, I have this Mars square Pluto aspect in my natal chart and on Feb 22nd, Mars is in my 10th and Pluto in my 6th. Browse famous people and celebrities by the astrological aspects that appear in their birth chart. Many of the fixed stars also relate to health issues in certain parts of the body. So to avoid being a victim, it is better to strive for success but do so in a careful way. He has moon and mars in virgo, venus and pluto in scorpio. I guess its considered a most difficult configuration but I often felt this aspect gave me courage and grit to overcome. Side note - Bill Clinton is a Leo, she is a Scorpio. Good question Ramani. 2020 can be divided into 3 parts: Winter Eclipse Season + Saturn-Pluto conjunction + Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, Summer Eclipse Season + Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, and then Mars Retrograde + Jupiter-Pluto conjunction + late Fall Eclipse Season that ends with the ultimate finale of Jupiter conjunct Saturn (that is a LOT of stuff for one year). Check with Venus..There’ll be a lot of praying the next 20 years, get your money’s worth. Personally, I’ve had Pluto by transit conjunct or oppose every natal planet (yes, every planet except Pluto). What does this mean and is it possible to fear it. Mars square Pluto transit means power struggles and confrontations. My sun conjunct Mars and Venus. Is this an ideal astrological position for dictatorship? On the same day, i will have transiting mars conjunct natal uranus in 3th house.Mars ruls 5th and 10th houses, uranus ruls 7 and 8 houses Should i be worry? i am Englsh by upbringing but live in oz and find it diffcult to come to terms with its constant competitiveness with UK in sport and always needing to be best almost an insecurity in trying to prove itself yet seemingly blind to the eatrth energies that constantly takeover and i have been here now for 50 years and they still dont seem to wake up to planning for inevitable mother nature urges around christmas time aspecting all its 9th house sag and 10th Cap planets over our summer. Cardinal Grand Cross But you will need to do something to burn up that impulsive energy safely, like exercise or non-contact sport. You may also notice a need to climb the ladder and achieve a more powerful position in your profession. HI Jamie , i have one last question . Professional Readings. More for conjunctions and a little less for easy aspects like sextiles and trines. To avoid potential temper tantrums, you will have to moderate this intense energy by focusing on continuous hard work towards your ambitious goals. Would this transit explain this behaviour? June 11, 2024 Enough to bring up a sweat. :-)) And btw, I was fired last week from my job but I’ll be here until the 8th of March (lunar eclipse fell in my 2nd house), so I wonder what I should do? I was born with Pluto in early Libra (3rd). Mars Cardinal Point Aries, 00°Ari22’04” Hi Gerald. The we manifest our feelings can be seen though.) Mars Inconjunct Pluto. My sister has this aspect with an orb of 0.28 degrees and boy has there been power struggles between us throughout our lives! For how long can you feel it? Thanks. So I rise from the ashes every shower and love to play it a la dramatic to the edge of the edge than come back. His discovery is recent and the interpretation of his energy remains quite vague. Perhaps more than any other star in the Hollywood firmament, Jolie completely embodies the Plutonian, almost to a distorted, if not unintegrated, degree. Curious jamie as to how this aspect would affect a country chart as Australia as a nation. Like the Heliocentric chart there are no oppositions. Mars Square Pluto Celebrities. Understand the astrological compatibilty between two people by overlaying their birth charts. These planets are not retrograde but all are heavy duty. Hi Jamie , it’s Chris again . The Artwork is very personal here. it is because all the planets in the grand cross are about 14 degrees of their signs, so basically in the middle of decan 2 of the cardinal signs. - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. January 1, 2021, Natal Courtenay, January 1st 1915 is Mars square Pluto associated with cancer desease and a persons “involvment’in a war zone? That feeling/look you glimpse in them that is one fraction away from reaching out and slapping the face off someone. Thank you again!! Venus on January 1, 2021, 20Sag25. Hillary has Mars and Pluto conjunct at the exact same degree in the sign of Leo and square her Scorpio planets, which is her own Sun Sign, and its not pretty. Mars Conjunct Pluto Celebrities Patsy Cline 0°12′, Charles-Marie Widor 0°12′, Ringo Starr 0°17′, Brain Wilson 0°26′, Elizabeth Barrett Browning 0°48′, Hillary Clinton 0°50′, Aly Bain 0°57′, Joseph Gurney Cannon 0°57′, Jeff Buckley 1°02′, Jean Driscoll 1°14′, Candice Bergen 1°23′, Paul McCartney 1°36′, George Michael 1°42′, Alexander Fleming 2°10′. Avoid ruthlessness, jealousy, and underhand tactics. North Node Conjunction Pluto Meaning, Natal Birth Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. October 8, 2023 This especially applies to superiors or those in a position of authority. These people possess personal magnetism in spades. Mars in Capricorn is approaching the conjunction with Pluto and the square with Uranus, and that aspect will be in effect for most of November, reaching the exact degree on the 10th. He represents occultism and all hidden sciences, mystery, death, the hereafter, deep self-questionings, as well as power such as that of the atom. Natal Mars to Natal Pluto With your natal Mars conjunct your natal Pluto, you’re as determined as a person can get. My husband has Mars Pluto conjunct. Home  /  Aspects  /  Mars Aspects  /  Mars Square Pluto., Progressed to January 1, 2021 And Mars Pluto energy IS sexy, at least to me, even, or especially, the harder aspects. This aspect makes a lot of sense for what happened. 30 Minute Life Path and Career Astrology Reading. Mars Conjunct Pluto. I mention that here Pablo: I would be avoiding car racing or using chainsaws. The 1st page will help you read the symbols on the 2nd page. You see, by repressing the strong urge to meet your goals, this internalized hot energy will be expressed through the aggressive actions of others, or of groups of people. But more directly if you have a planet in decan 2 of any sign. Thank you for explaining. It's brushed over for some reason. Another war like WW11 is my greatest fear. That’s lucky. And yes, on purpose, I’m hiding myself a little in that chart. First of all, thank you SO much for posting early and moreover for an incredibly insightful post. Transiting Mars will be conjunct natal Pluto in Libra, opposite natal Sun in Aries How is this affected by Mars being in retrograde?