Using Repellents. You’ll be removing food sources for the chipmunks by cleaning up your yard as well. Repellants with predator urine such … You see, chipmunks are going to utilize piles of wood and rocks as hiding places. Underground rodents such as moles, chipmunks and some rats that like to burrow, such as the Norway rat (one of the most common rats in America), are nuisances that are difficult to get rid of. The repellents usually have a scent that these rodents don’t like and they will keep off. Furthermore, the urine smell will permeate the den, leading them to believe a predator has invaded. The best fencing choice will either be a privacy fence or good mesh fence (such as … If the hole is located near a stream or lake and the soil is damp with nearby grass cover, you may be dealing with a mole. You can use chemical or natural repellants depending on your preferences. Chipmunk holes are one notable example, and while the entrance to a burrow can be tiny, the tunnels can stretch a good 20 to 30 feet underground. One good idea is to scatter human hair clippings around the yard. The best fencing choice will either be a privacy fence or good mesh fence (such as the ever-popular chicken wire). You can then cover and further secure this exposed portion of mesh using a baseboard. This might seem very strange at first, but it’s actually a brilliant way to scare the chipmunks. There are electronic chipmunk repellents on the market that work really well, too. To avoid making a chipmunk issue worse, it’s going to be necessary to clean up any spilled food near your bird feeders. You might want to keep bird feeders in your yard so that you can enjoy watching the birds, but chipmunks might come and try to get any food that has been spilled. Through his nose, he can get food and good shelter for the rest of his pack. It will then remove all the soil excavated from digging the tunnels, carry it in the cheek pouches, and scatter it away from the burrow hole. Not only is the litter crumbly and more likely to cave in, but it will taste terrible. Mothballs. So many of you questioned like how to catch chipmunks? Trapping is probably the most effective method of removing chipmunks from your property. You don’t have to eliminate bushes or trees that produce fruit or berries, but you will need to be a bit more proactive about cleaning the yard up. This is a dangerous way to get rid of your chipmunks because the poison is toxic and can kill the other animals in the area if they should happen to eat the poison or eat the poisoned chipmunk. Sometimes critters leave behind mementos of their visit that remain long after they’re gone. The first season occurs on milder winter days near springtime as they briefly leave their burrows. The problem is there are too many people in the world and they are taking over the animals habitat. Chipmunks enter the little door to try to get the bait, but they can’t get back out. The tunnel also includes areas for nesting and storing food. Instead, we recommend three methods that give excellent results. This is deep enough to keep chipmunks out, and their poor climbing ability (despite what Disney tells you – remember, Chip and Dale are giant anthropomorphic critters and thus can do many things the average chipmunk cannot) means they won’t be able to easily scale a mesh fence. These L-shaped footers are designed to be placed near the foundation of your home, fences, porches, sidewalks, retaining walls, and other such areas. This will have the same effect as gravel. Some places have laws about trapping woodland creatures, and you might not be allowed to relocate animals either. You’re going to be placing the dry repellent in areas of the yard that are likely to see chipmunk activity. Lean a piece of wood at an angle against the bucket with seeds on top and put seeds that float on top of the water. #how do you get rid of chipmunks. The fence itself should extend at least eight inches below ground. Whatever route you decide to take is fine, but you’ll need to spray your lawn with the repellent once you have what you need. There are actually plants that chipmunks don’t like that will work well to keep them away from your yard. I am totally disgusted that you even mentioned it. Another strong deterrent method to consider utilizing is a gravel border. However, it’s good to know that this repellent is not lethal to chipmunks, and it shouldn’t cause problems with other animals in the area either. Additionally, the gravel can be topped with a bit of topsoil or turf to make the filled hole blend in with its surroundings. There is no need to kill them with traps or shooting them or any other way. These devices are very easy to install, and some of them are even solar-powered. At the very least, using gravel barriers for your garden areas will be wise. Place the lid firmly on the bottle and shake until mixed. The only way to resolve the issue is through strict actions. Simply bury the mesh portion and connect it to the inside bottom of the privacy fence approximately two inches up from the base. Chipmunks come to your yard because they are looking for food. How to Get Rid of Chipmunks (and Other Surfaces). This is likely the only time homeowners would see chipmunks during the colder months, and the young are born in April or May. You know more about how to take care of chipmunk tunnels in your yard now, and you’re going to be able to take the right actions to protect your property. It’s a good idea to place many L-shaped footers in your yard that will keep chipmunks from burrowing. Chipmunks may dig … As the cap is narrow, the sand will still allow for proper drainage. It might take some patience to get good results with this method, but it does work. These little critters commonly dig up plant bulbs, leave holes in the lawn and invade attics and other indoor spaces, where they give birth to more chipmunks. I have tried numerous methods! If you notice any chipmunk tunnels, then you can sprinkle some of this repellent directly in the tunnel holes. Own a cat as the predator to catch the chipmunks or chimuns. This is going to be more than a little annoying, and you likely want to get this to stop as soon as possible. If you wish to get rid of chipmunks, then you need to get rid of wood and rock piles in your yard first. If you notice any chipmunk tunnels, then you can sprinkle some of this repellent directly in the tunnel holes. Filling a chipmunk hole with used litter (preferably a non-clay type to be more environmentally-friendly) makes it much harder for them to excavate the old tunnel entrance. Homeowners can use snap traps, box traps, and mesh traps … Many people also think that gravel will add to the aesthetic appeal of the yard. You can make it less likely that chipmunks will bother you by simply tidying up your yard. To make your property unattractive to chipmunks, keep your garden tidy by cleaning up windfall from fruit trees and berry bushes. Examine the location of the hole. Types of Chipmunks Not only do the holes cause extensive yard damage over time, but the tunnels themselves can put your entire home at risk if you allow chipmunks to burrow in. One of the best ways to keep chipmunks from burrowing in your yard is to make use of L-shaped footers. Narrow tunnels extend downward in places to draw water away from the burrow. A third method can be a little more extreme, but works best near your foundation or other sensitive parts of the property. Attach a plank from a retaining wall or other raised landscape feature to the top of the bucket to make a plank. You can ask your barber for some hair clippings to use as a chipmunk deterrent if you’d like. See Also:  Best Squirrel Traps and Repellents. This means filling the holes in your yard might not be enough to keep them from creating new holes from underground. rid of chipmunks. If you go through and tidy the garden up a bit each day, then the chipmunks will have far less to try to eat than normal. Tamp the soil down with your foot or with the back of a shovel so the dirt is tightly packed in the hole. You’ll learn the best methods for eliminating chipmunk tunnels and trying to steer chipmunks away from your property. If you don’t wish to pay for a commercial product, then you could make your own liquid chipmunk repellent. Both garlic and daffodils will act as natural repellents that can make chipmunks turn their noses up at your garden. Some plants and trees have berries that will fall to the ground, and chipmunks will want to come to eat this food. All rights reserved. Despite all your precautions, some chipmunks might still linger around the garden.