Either time, the weather is milder and plants are less stressed. Rhododendrons can actually be planted just about any time of year outside of their soft growth cycle and the hottest of summers. Azaleas and Rhododendrons, with their magnificent flowers, are one of the best-loved sights of spring. According to Sacramento County master gardeners, the ideal location for a rhododendron in our area is a site with filtered sunlight, but not heavy shade. Truss up the branches with rope to protect them during transport to the new planting site. Gently and carefully dig up as much of a shrub's root ball as possible, retaining the maximum amount of roots. And how about moving hydrangeas? If one of your plants does need a little shaping, early spring or late winter near the end of the dormant season is the best time to shape it, depending upon your region. That distance allows air circulation and room for maintenance. Disturbing them now can impact their spring flower show. In moderate climates, rhododendrons can be moved any time of year except during hot spells and right after flowering. Transplant rhododendrons before they flower. Cut any broken or encircling roots (common in container plants). When To Plant Rhododendrons In The UK By Gardening101 The best time of year to plant his much-loved flowering shrub is in the spring or early autumn when there should be a good amount of moisture in the soil to help your plant to settle in. Gregory Kondos dies at 97. Hydrangeas can be moved during winter while dormant. Pruning hydrangeas is a common issue for local gardeners. Instead, transplant rhododendrons in the spring in cooler climates and in the fall in warmer climates. 3. What seemed like the perfect planting site for your rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.) Autumn is an excellent time to transplant shrubs, and if you act now, your Encore® Azaleas will thank you by offering season after season of beautiful blooms for years to come. October 31, 2015. Early spring transplanting lets rhododendrons adjust during milder summer and fall temperatures. Leave each planting hole's bottom firm and intact for plant support. “Readers should know this information as they may be calling around to Home Depot, OSH, etc., looking for it,” he said. There are many types of hydrangeas, say UC master gardeners, and the timing of the pruning depends upon whether the hydrangea blooms on current or previous years’ growth. Answer Autumn is best,when the soil is still warm, but the plant isn’t in full active growth.The second best time is in early autumn as the soil starts to warm up again. 7 Answers. The main surge of sales for rhododendrons is in the spring just before they burst into colour. Check your soil with a soil test, and acidify the soil if necessary, following the soil test results' recommendations closely. Older hydrangeas may benefit from some rejuvenation pruning. A possible alternative is Spectracide WeedStop for Lawns with Crabgrass Killer, available at Lowe’s. Mulching is a good practice as it helps hold in moisture around the roots and the decaying organic matter adds nutrients to the soil. Delay transplanting until after the period of soft growth. In every previous rehab of rhododendrons and azaleas this size, I’ve had no problems simply digging them out and transplanting them elsewhere. Thus it is possible, and in fact relatively easy, to transplant fairly large rhododendrons. They need well-draining soil with an abundance of organic matter. Keep rhododendrons' needs in mind when you prepare their site. An inward-sloping basin around each plant helps direct water to the root balls. Immature plants need growing room. The best time to move a shrub – any shrub – is early in the morning or late in the afternoon on a cool, cloudy day in early spring or fall. They are a wonderful addition to any Northwest Washington garden. Estimate the size of a shrub's root ball, and then prepare the new planting area before you dig up the shrub. Be sure they don't dry out. This herbicide kills a broad spectrum of lawn weeds, but also can affect ornamental plants near the turf. This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows how to successfully move a large rhododendron shrub to a new location. Relevance. For deciduous varieties, early spring is the best time for transplanting up until the bushes leaf out. For evergreen varieties of rhododendron, transplant in spring (after the bush has finished flowering and frost danger has past) or fall. Never fear. Use a small excavator equipped with forks to lift the rhododendron from its original location, and carry it to the new planting hole. The best time to move your rhododendron is in the spring, any time before it begins to flower. Then the rest of the hole can be filled with soil and the site watered again. To encourage a particular shape, prune right after your bush blooms. A transplant might help a struggling rhododendron, but early spring is a better time to do the deed than late fall. Rhododendrons can be moved any time of year except in the heat of summer, but late fall or winter is best. In many parts of the U.S., the fall brings needed moisture in the form of rainfall. When replanting, keep the top of the bush’s root crown level at or slightly above soil level. Planting too deeply is a leading cause of early rhododendron death. You’ll want to use a particular fertilizer composition for the different stages of your rhododendron growth. Hardy from U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 4 through 9, depending on their variety, rhododendrons may outgrow their spot or need a change of location for other reasons. You wouldn't want to plant it in November if the soil was often freezing. With proper timing and preparation, rhododendrons should settle well into their new homes. Try to time this project so that you have a 2-3 week minimum window of nonfreezing temperatures after the transplant. Soft new growth forms right under spent rhododendron flowers. Azaleas and rhododendrons may be transplanted at any time during the growing season, but they transplant most successfully during fall or early spring, when they are dormant and temperatures are cool. In moderate climates, rhododendrons can be moved any time of year except during hot spells and right after flowering. The optimum time to move established trees or shrubs depends on their type; Deciduous plants: Move at any time during the dormant season from late October to mid-March Evergreens plants: Best moved during October or late March when the soil is beginning to warm up. Producing a blaze of color from early spring through the summer, and even into the fall, Azaleas and Rhododendrons are popular ornamental shrubs for gardens of all sizes. Each shrub's new planting hole should be about 2 inches shallower than the depth of the shrub's root ball and only slightly wider than the plant's roots. You can transplant rhododendrons in fall or spring. The roots run wide and shallow. Rhododendrons should never be transplanted during the hottest time of the year. Transplanting. The best time for relocating an azalea bush really depends upon your climate. Although quite hardy when full-grown, rhododendron and azalea initially require an ideal growing environment and watering schedule for the best chance of survival. This involves removing about one-third of the older stems down to the ground to allow light to penetrate to the center of the shrub and to encourage replacement limbs. Alert reader James Shattuck noted that Monterey Chemical no longer makes Weed-Hoe, a recommended remedy for crabgrass mentioned in a recent Garden Detective column. Transplanting Most rhododendrons and azaleas in the landscape, even large ones, can be moved using proper care. Don’t use around lawn trees. The best time to transplant a lilac is before it leafs out (late winter, when it is dormant) but apparently they are somewhat tolerant of being moved at less-than-ideal times. Rhododendrons are acid loving plants. Of course, don't try to move them when the ground is frozen solid. Rhododendrons are usually medium or large evergreen shrubs, while azaleas … Locations on the east or north side of the house or fence are the next best. But spring-blooming shrubs can be tricky. Rhododendrons have fibrous, compact root systems that simplify transplanting. I want to give three plants a new home that will face more sun (west) over very little sun now. Make sure to water well and deeply. ), Although you can transplant new azaleas at any time of year, fall is the best time because the shrubs have time to establish a healthy root system before being exposed to summer heat the following year. may fall short of expectations over time. A large pot of blooming rhododendrons in the backyard. 6. The University of British Columbia Botanical Garden discussion forum also recommends transplanting lilacs in dormancy. Soft new growth forms right under spent rhododendron flowers. Soil pH near 5.5 is ideal for rhododendrons. Answer Save. Hydrangeas need little pruning except to deadhead or to remove dead stems. Hansen's work appears regularly in consumer and trade publications, as well as numerous internet gardening and lifestyle channels. His landscapes, accentuated in blues, made Sacramento artist iconic, 10 thoughts on the 49ers’ draft-pick trade and looming quarterback decision, Sacramento launches first ‘Safe Ground’ homeless camping site under downtown freeway, Mysterious disease killing young California bears in Tahoe. Even large, mature rhododendrons transplant easily in most cases. Azaleas are hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9, which is a very wide range as far as temperature. Never leave their soil soggy, but don't allow the shallow roots to dry out. In many cases, both rhododendrons and azaleas are best left as-is when it comes to their over-all shape. But try to plant away from mature trees. In warm climates, soaring summer temperatures test rhododendrons. As such they perform best when the soil is acidic (with a pH between 4.5 and 6.0). Or, your Encore® Azaleas are in a poorly- draining area of your landscape or suffering from overcrowding by other plants. In early spring, the rhododendron buds swell. Can you please tell me the best time to move a rhododendron? Rhododendrons and azaleas have shallow, pancake-like roots that transplant easily, allowing themselves to be pried up. Although rain also falls in spring, the azalea plant, with its fibrous root ball, needs to become well established. The best time to transplant a rhododendron is when the plant is not in soft growth. Slide the plant onto a tarp to assist in moving it. The soil pH level can be tested using a kit available from your local garden center. IV. I had to learn how to get the muscles working in my fingers.’ COVID-19 victim also survived 9/11 and cancer, Students rally behind Black Tampa school cop fired for using racial slur, Some high school seniors won’t have to take SAT to graduate this spring because of COVID-19 disruptions, Students part of effort to consider renaming middle school. According to the American Rhododendron Society, rhododendrons prefer a light soil with good drainage. 5. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Select a planting location in dappled shade or part sun. I try to do the bulk of my transplanting in November and December. When are the best times to transplant established Azaleas. Unlike deep-rooting shrubs such as yews , rhododendrons’ and azaleas’ roots run relatively close to the surface, usually within the top 12 … Keep the root balls moist; they won't draw moisture from surrounding soil until new roots grow. • Start by clearing off the surface debris around the plant and making a vertical cut in the soil about at the dripline. American Rhododendron Society: Transplanting, American Rhododendron Society: Plant Protection, American Rhododendron Society: Tips for Beginners -- How to Adjust Acidity Levels in Your Soil, American Rhododendron Society: Tips for Beginners -- Good Soil Promises Rhodie Success, American Rhododendron Society: Tips for Beginners -- Mulching, American Rhododendron Society: Subsequent Care. Delay transplanting until after the period of soft growth. For evergreen varieties of rhododendron, transplant in spring (after the bush has finished flowering and frost danger has past) or fall. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Rhododendron and azalea plants come in all sorts of colors and sizes. Many materials can be used to amend the soil. In cool climates, cold winters bring added stress. Space the shrubs so that at least 2 feet will be between the plants when they reach their mature sizes. Water the root ball to wet it completely, all the way through. Good planning allows newly transplanted rhododendrons time to adjust before the year's most stressful seasons arrive. Mulch conserves soil moisture, protects shallow roots and keeps soil temperatures steady. Many shrubs can be moved in fall or winter. Rhododendrons' shallow roots are very sensitive to fertilizers; that is especially true for new transplants. Never use aluminum sulfate to lower rhododendrons' soil pH; aluminum harms the shrubs. Wear gloves, safety goggles, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, closed-toe shoes and a mask to cover your nose and mouth when working with any kind of chemical. Place each shrub so its root ball sits slightly higher than the surrounding soil. Mulch around the plants to help keep the roots cool and conserve moisture. At this time, apply a complete 10-8-6 fertilizer. He hopes to save some gardeners frustration as they search for this product. If you live in a lower numbered zone with cold winters, the best time for azalea transplanting is early spring, before new growth has started. Early spring transplanting lets rhododendrons adjust during milder summer and fall temperatures. Azaleas (Rhododendron spp. Rhododendron and azalea roots also need oxygen for healthy growth. The mophead varieties, Hydrangea macrophylla, are the most common and have large, globe-shaped flowers. Check the soil moisture manually, and water the soil as needed to keep the root balls damp. The optimal soil pH level for rhododendrons is between 4.5 and 6.0. In any event, according to the U.S. National Arboretum, it’s best not to transplant an azalea when rainfall drops off and daytime temperatures reach the low 80 degree F… Taller plants can create dappled “shade” for the smaller ones. Newly transplanted rhododendrons need extra tender loving care during their first year. The dormant season before the shrubs bloom and leaf out is the best time to transplant deciduous azaleas, according to the American Rhododendron Society. Use a transplanting shovel to slice through any roots around and beneath the root ball. Apply per label instructions. Jolene Hansen is a lifelong gardening enthusiast and former horticulture professional. Provide your shrubs with protection from afternoon sunlight and drying winter winds, especially if you have early-flowering varieties. Avoid transplanting azaleas or any shrub during extended dry periods, or when daytime temperatures are above 80°F. Before you dive into transplanting, investigate your shrubs' roots. Don't fertilize rhododendrons unless soil tests show a need. In regions with severe winters, wrap evergreen rhododendrons with burlap in the fall and apply extra mulch around the base of the shrub. Trish Magpie. Commonly classed as either rhododendrons or azaleas, these popular woodland shrubs put on spectacular flowering displays from spring to early summer. Rhododendrons' fine root systems need time to establish. Transplanting in the fall, therefore, gives the plant’s roots the additional time to acclimate into their new surroundings and get a head start on the next growing season. 10 years ago. Prepare the new planting area before digging the rhododendron up. For evergreen varieties of rhododendron, transplant in spring (after the bush has finished flowering and frost danger has past) or fall. Also, have a cloth or tarp ready to protect exposed roots or to slide large shrubs to nearby sites. favorable climates the transplanting can be done at almost any time when the plant is not in soft growth, except at the very In cold climates early spring transplanting is recommended. Either time, the weather is milder and plants are less stressed.For deciduous varieties, early spring is the best time for transplanting up until the bushes leaf out. Favourite answer. He was best known for landscape paintings of California: The coast, Napa, Yosemite and, perhaps most enduringly, the Sacramento River. Fertilizing is not necessary, but the plants will respond to an application of a slow-release, balanced fertilizer during the spring growing season. Sheltered locations help ensure frost won't steal early blossoms. They prefer acid soils with rich organic matter and excellent drainage. Rhododendron Fertilizer Schedule. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. If a shrub must be transported by vehicle to another location, then the cloth or tarp can protect the entire plant -- from roots to leaves. When is the best time to transplant rhododendron? Decayed leaves, pine needles or fine pine mulch increase soil's aeration and organic matter. Late-summer or fall transplanting gives newly transplanted roots all winter and spring to acclimate and grow. They are good plants but I just want to show them off. One-half pound of elemental sulfur lowers the pH level 1/2 point per 100 square feet in sandy soil, but clay soil may need 2 1/2 pounds of elemental sulfur to lower its pH level 1/2 point. Apply a 3-inch-thick layer of coarse bark mulch over the area; keep the mulch 3 inches from each shrub's trunk. This can be done in the summer or in the winter, at the expense of some blooms. She is passionate about reshaping the way people experience gardens and gardening. @Carole Do not transplant rhododendrons during extremely hot months, however. You may want to prune the plant back before moving, but this will cost some blooms. Then get the shrub into its new spot right away. Transplanting rhododendrons: • Rhododendron roots spread out to the dripline, but are generally very shallow, without a taproot. Find things to do, from music to movies to arts and theater. A Step by Step Guide to Transplanting Large Shrubs Prepare the Planting Hole Dig your new planting hole about 50% larger that your root ball. Rhododendrons flourish in light, well-drained soil with consistent moisture. In colder climates, rhododendrons can be transported in the spring. How to grow rhododendrons. At planting time, use 10-10-6 fertilizer before you water the plant in. In warmer climates, this is late summer to late fall. 4. Tree roots give too much competition for moisture and nutrients, and the plants will suffer. When transplanting, carefully remove the bush from its old container or spot in the ground, gently untangle roots and spread them out. Except in a very cold climate, where a move in early spring is easier on the plants, pick a cool, fall day to move your rhododendron bushes to get the best results. One symptom: fearlessness, Placer County Sheriff’s Office confirms third suicide at Foresthill Bridge since December, A year into the pandemic, three huge losses in one family, Maria Panaritis: Working parents sweep up the broken pieces of a pandemic year as kids return to school full time, Balancing Act: ‘I lost 65 pounds. These bloom on previous years’ growth or “old wood.” Pruning in late fall or early winter will eliminate the bloom for next spring.