Lk 5:27-32, Lk 7:36, Lk 19:1-9). Persecution should never come as a surprise to you. In the 1970s, an opera about Jesus of Nazareth helped blaze the trail between rock ‘n roll and musical theater. Answer: There has long been a notion that Jesus never laughed. How did he use sarcasm, exaggeration and other humorous techniques to have a little fun but also teach us valuable lessons? This article takes a brief look at some funny events and humor that occurred during the Lord's ministry. [10] Jesus probably did not have long hair, even during his ministry when he would have had a more "natural" look. Jesus knew that He had come to suffer. As we answer these questions, we will all understand more fully not what Jesus would do, but what He did do. Do you, like me, have family members who do not believe in Jesus? Jesus even rebuked Peter for not accepting the fact that Christ came to suffer in order to bring redemption to man. According to the Apostle John, “not even his brothers believed in him” (John 7:5). I have often thought about this question, especially lately: "What Did Jesus Do In His Free Time?" They saw Jesus do miracles to prove who He was. And I think this is meant to give us hope. Did He do things for "fun?" Jesus did so many great things! After Jesus died on the cross, He was laid in a new tomb. Jesus did eat and drink with sinners (Luke 5:29-30), attended at least one wedding (John 2:1-11), and was an invited guest in the homes of several people that we know of (Luke 7:36). Did he laugh? Those who had lived with Jesus for 30 years really did not know him. So did Jesus. Don't let the size of the journey ahead of us discourage you. It is true that Jesus became our Sin-bearer (1 Peter 2:24) and that He “was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain” (Isaiah 53:3). It’s human nature to do so and after all they were human. Of course, Jesus would never show anger at being treated in such ways, and He would OFTEN express comments to groups similar to His comment on the Cross, They do not know what they are doing. It is so good for us to take some time to wind down and have some fun. Some of Jesus' critics in the Bible accuse him of drinking too much wine (Matthew Chapter 11, verse 19). Surely there were many other instances not recorded in the Bible. Traditionally, paintings of Jesus have tended toward melancholy portrayals of a somber, glum Savior. That’s incredible. Did Jesus, during his ministry, have a sense of humor? Because He knew that He had come to suffer, He did not fight against it. It was a cave cut into a large rock. Jewish men who had long hair were most likely to have taken a Nazarite vow, which Jesus probably did not. I know He went to a wedding feast at least once (Jn 2:1-10), and He shared meals with people on quite a few occasions (i.e. Every journey begins with one step. It would be as well for us to remember that he and the twelve were young men in good health (as far as we know). Paul wrote that “whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to … In that, we have our living model for how we are to love our wives. Question: "Did Jesus ever laugh?" The Bible never really discusses this. If so, we are in good company. But, some people didn’t believe He really was God’s Son. They put Jesus on a cross to die. What Jesus did was to trust God. Unbelievers sometimes mock God, take His name in vain, attack the Bible, make fun of churches and ridicule anyone who follows Jesus. [10] Let's have the courage to take that first step together. Most people loved Him. I do not think any fun he had is mentioned in the Holy Bible. Do you?