Pericles GMAT preparation materials contain original materials, written by our professors, geared specifically to the strengths and weaknesses of Russian students. Strengths: they defeated the Persian army and navy. In 440, Samos, one of Athens' principal allies with a substantial fleet of its own, revolted, and, despite a victory by Pericles against superior numbers, the revolt nearly succeeded. Cimon died after 451, during his last campaign against Persia. Was he trying to divert attention from personal attacks on himself and friends by making war? The only name associated with his early education is that of the musical theorist Damon, whose influence, it is said, was not just confined to music. From his youthful demagogy, he had moved to a more middle ground in politics, and there are traces in his later life of his being outflanked by more radical spokesmen. He has a lean muscular body type suited for his fighting style, that of the thraex. They had no lawyers in court; parties in a case argued their own side. It had already dominated the alliance that had continued the Persian War after Sparta's withdrawal in 478, a leadership strengthened by the transfer of the alliance's considerable treasury from Delos to Athens in 454. One of its weaknesses … If we look to the laws, they give equal He would evacuate the Athenian countryside, bring the population into the Long Walls, decline battle with the Spartan army, and rely on the fleet to assure Athenian food supplies and secure the empire on whose resources the expensive naval policy depended. It has been said that democracy is worst form of government except all those others forms that have been tried from time to time. Weaknesses… The gaps are partly filled by the Greek writer Plutarch, who, 500 years later, began writing the life of Pericles to illustrate a man of unchallengeable virtue and greatness at grips with the fickleness of the mob and finished rather puzzled by the picture he found in his sources of Pericles' responsibility for a needless war. The Athenian population had deep roots in the countryside, and great firmness was required to bring them to abandon their land to Spartan ravages without a fight. From him Pericles may have inherited a leaning toward the people, along with landed property at Cholargus, just north of Athens, which put him high, though not quite at the highest level, on the Athenian pyramid of wealth. Pericles' Athen - weakness and strength?? Athenian life often fell short of this Periclean ideal, but he conceived it with clarity and made it generally recognized. 2. Plutarch attributed to Pericles a desire to stimulate economic activity and employment in Athens, but these motives may be anachronistic and in actuality may not have influenced the voters very much. He gave this speech for the fallen soldiers in the first year of the Peloponnesian War. There was a break in tensions for the moment. condition favors many instead of few people, social class is not allowed with talent, if a man is able to serve in the military, he is not stopped by the important … Close to 50, he took Aspasia of Miletus into his house. If the last speech attributed to him by Thucydides is any guide, he cannot be accused of ignoring that the realities of power that made the Periclean age possible might also bring it down. Evaluate their projections." He conceived his Athens as "an education to Greece." The historian Thucydides admired him profoundly and refused to criticize him. Although Aspasia is clouded by scandal and legend, it is easy to believe she possessed great charm and intelligence. Pericles' main strategic ideas are clear. Pericles was an Athenian General and soldier. A more serious crisis came in 447 or 446, however, when the cities of Boeotia, under Athenian control since 458, beat a small Athenian army and successfully revolted. Perhaps outbid in his search for popular support, Xanthippus was ostracized in 484 BC, though he returned in 480 to command the Athenian force at Mycale in 479, probably dying soon after. There is no reason to doubt that she was free and of good birth in her own city with its great intellectual traditions. “Just before the Peloponnesian War began, Pericles of Athens and King Archidamus of Sparta provided net assessments of the comparative strengths and weaknesses of the two sides. Pericles' last major campaign was the one interruption in these years. According to Pericles, what were the characteristics of Athenian democracy? 5 If one assumes athens was a sated power, then there is some sense in describing its strategy as an Pericles test preparation programs include all the latest software to help you prepare in the most efficient way for computer-based entrance examinations. Visual Strengths and Weaknesses SWOT Analysis For Cardiology Practice Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection Q&A: Plutarch's 'Selection from the Life of Alexander the Great' Alexander the Great - War Studies Case studies, Descriptive Research, and Archival Research SWOT Analysis of General Motors culturally different groups His achievements included the construction of the Acropolis, begun in 447. Well, here's your answer: a ready-made list of 50 strengths and weaknesses (with concrete, practical examples). His Alcmaeonid mother, Agariste, provided him with relationships of sharply diminishing political value and her family curse, a religious defilement that was occasionally used against him by his enemies. If this is your first visit, be sure to The overcrowding had an unforeseeable consequence in a plague, which in the second summer of the war took a quarter of the population. You may be asking yourself: How can I come up with some really convincing strengths and weaknesses? Thucydides, obsessed with the power of intellect, takes little note of the need of a statesman to work hard, and it is Plutarch who provided the glimpses of a man who took no interest in his own estates, who was never seen on any road but that to the public offices, and who was only recalled to have gone to one social occasion, which he left early. To. I wonder why Pericles developed a navy strategy without any mean; seriously, how did he want to win Pelopponessian War?? Based on what you know about Pericles and how this speech was recorded, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this document as a source about Athens’s political system? That Pericles doubted the stability of the settlement and saw the need to develop an alternative basic strategy for Athens is shown by his immediate construction of a third Long Wall to improve the defenses of Athens and the port of Piraeus. Pericles now embarked on a policy designed to secure Athens' cultural and political leadership in Greece. Tension grew as the decade progressed, particularly with regard to Corinth, Sparta's ally, whose interests conflicted more obviously with those of Athens. In 451 or 450 Pericles carried a law confining Athenian citizenship to those of Athenian parentage on both sides. He soon left their political camp, probably on the question of relations with Persia, and took the then new path of legal prosecution as a political weapon. The Persian War, begun as an ill-considered gesture in 499, could be considered ultimately successful. 2. The policy of war with Persia was abandoned and a formal peace probably made. Pericles is trying to encourage and raise the spirits of the citizens of Athens because according to him, they live in the greatest city on earth. Perhaps, Athens did have a similar starting position to Rome. Based on what you know about Pericles and how this speech was recorded, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this document as a source about Athens’s political system? Of Reagan’s many strengths, four in particular enabled him to connect with the American people in almost magical and unassailable ways. No obvious success counterbalanced the discomforts of war, and Pericles was deposed from office and fined. In 443 a Panhellenic colony was founded under Athenian auspices at Thurii, in southern Italy, but did not form a continuing centre of Athenian influence in the west, as may have been hoped. I know that, but I question why Athen did not develop an elite (not necessary as good as Spartan) amphious force to deep-strike Sparta territory?? athens under Pericles chose a delbrueckian strategy of exhausting sparta and that sparta, under archidamus, chose an equally delbrueckian strategy of anni-hilating the athenian army in a major land battle early in the war. The Peloponnesian War – Strengths and Weaknesses JMcFarland History August 31, 2016 August 31, 2016 2 Minutes The Peloponnesian war had lasting, traumatic effects for Greek society, breaking any chance of a unified Greek state that could stand together against invaders, which ultimately left the door open for Macedonian control. One hundred years later, an orator argued for firm distinctions of status on the ground that the law provided even the poorest Athenian girl with a dowry in the form of her citizenship. Hostilities among the Greek states had also come to an end in the Five Years' Truce of 451. There are some indications that Periclean strategy included more aggressive elements, such as the recovery of Megara, which would have considerably improved Athens' position. He married her in his late 20s but, as they were incompatible, divorced her some 10 years later. The Peloponnesian War was fought over land and sea. He is covered in what appears to be tattooed markings around his face and body. His position rested on his continual reelection to the generalship and on his prestige, based, according to the historian Thucydides, on his manifest intelligence and incorruptibility. Pericles extolls several of the virtues of Athens, most of them centered on the then-unique form of democracy. Document A: Pericles 1. Who was Pericles? 3. It also resulted in the largest and most vibrant economy of any Greek polis - nobody else could even come close to fielding and equal army and navy … Based on what you know about Pericles and how this speech was recorded, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this document as a source about Athens’s political system? Ancient Greek civilization - Ancient Greek civilization - The reforms of Cleisthenes: In 508, after a short period of old-fashioned aristocratic party struggles, the Athenian state was comprehensively reformed by Cleisthenes, whom Herodotus calls “the man who introduced the tribes and the democracy,” in that order. Being a moderate, he developed a strategy based upon deterrence and defense which at best would have prevented war. Pericles was an interesting leader that had a place of significant leadership in democratic Athens at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War with the Spartan Alliance. It meant that it degraded at a slower rate and recovered at a higher rate. Was he, it was asked, influenced by some private grievance of Aspasia? The upper classes certainly had no prejudice against foreign marriages; the lower classes may well have had more, and, on the whole, it is possible to view Pericles here as championing exclusivist tendencies against immigrants who might break down the fabric of Athenian society. For Athens, the essential loss was that of Megara, which meant that a Spartan army could appear in Attica at any time. More about Strengths And Weaknesses Of Socrates. The Spartans were superior on land, the Athenians supperior on the sea, it was a policy of non-engagment, sort of (but not really, but there are few other comparisons,) like the cold war. Expenditure on building had been counterbalanced by annual savings from the tribute, and enough capital had been reserved, he thought, for a long war, though expenditure turned out heavier than he could have calculated. Thucydides, son of Melesias (not the historian) and a relative of Cimon, who had inherited some of his political support, denounced both the extravagance of the project and the immorality of using allied funds to finance it. The Spartan army retired, Euboea was quickly reduced, and the arrangement was ratified by the Thirty Years' Peace (winter 446­445). His father, Xanthippus, a typical member of this generation, almost certainly of an old family, began his political career by a dynastic marriage into the controversial family of the Alcmaeonids. Read More. They lived with great self confidence. He was soon reelected, but he took no new initiatives before his death in autumn 429. Euboea, crucial to Athenian control of the sea and food supplies, and Megara soon followed suit. Athens was, Thucydides says, in name a democracy but, in fact, governed by its first man. By Staff Writer Last Updated Apr 1, 2020 6:23:57 PM ET Some of the strengths of Athenian democracy include making decisions based on the opinions of many rather than a few, giving responsibility to more citizens and making records available for public examination. * An aggressive policy to fully absorb places like Euboea and Aigina and leave open the some path to citizenship for loyal metics would not have been easy necessarily , but no harder than his hard line on the empire - and the benefits would have been long term makeing Athens demographically unassailable. Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Peloponnesian War 1158 Words 5 Pages The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.) Share out. It wasn't named but it meant that if Greek units end their turn within an unfriendly or hostile city-st… These sources are not all ascertainable, but they certainly preserve an invaluable amount of fact and contemporary gossip, which is sometimes nearly as useful. 4 pages, 1969 words. Knowledge of the life of Pericles derives largely from two sources. Last time around, Civilization V, Greece had an ability called Hellenic League that evolved around city-state influence (how the population of a city-state feels about you or the civilization). Pericles is an average height gladiator with dark skin and long dreadlocks. Pericles weakness was his relationship with his family especially his sons, as they sued him in court once. Thucydides tells just enough to make his own interpretation plausible, that Megara was a small matter in itself but crucial as a symbol of Athenian determination to maintain its position. There was domestic criticism, however. The campaign to recover Samos, although long and costly, was ultimately successful, and it became a model against which later Athenian generals measured their achievements. They were also a bit sneaky and had a hidden ability. His achievements included … In establishing one of these, Pericles engaged in his most admired campaign, the expulsion of barbarians from the Thracian Chersonese (Gallipoli). Pericles argued that the allies were paying for their defense, and, if that was assured, Athens did not have to account for how the money was actually spent. After Thucydides' ostracism, Pericles had little domestic opposition. 'Why', answers his guardian Pericles, who was then at the height of his influence, 'it is whatever the people decides and decrees'. This picture is softened somewhat by what is known of his personal life. The order is important. The identity of his wife, however, though certainly of wealth and high birth, is unknown. No source provides any background to this proposal; it is not even clear whether it was retrospective. It was the strengths of these two societies that brought the ancient world to its heights in art, culture and with the defeat of the Persians, warfare. The obvious gift is image revealed in the weft of Pericles' life in Athens, balancing his strengths and weaknesses, his tendency to placate the populous and then to offer vision, his strategic thinking and his reactionary moments.