If you’re worried because she hasn’t been eating lately but is properly supplemented, she’ll probably be OK. It’s not unusual for a laying gecko to lose some weight (and often, but not always, gain it back between clutches). 2 days ago I forced them to eat 2 crickets. If her color has changed, it’s likely that she’s getting ready to shed and that’s why she’s not eating (she’s probably shed before if you’ve had her for more than a month but it may have happened during the night). She is the founder and Executive Director of Things That Creep, a non-profit dedicated to herptile conservation through education. I’ve generally had good luck housing leopard geckos and AFT’s (not mixing species) in small groups. That means they can go for longer without eating. I’m worried he isn’t eating enough. I’m sorry I can’t be more help. If it’s 80-85 in the air, that’s too warm (although if the house is that temp due to summer, and it will go down again when it gets cooler, it’s probably OK). Some geckos don’t eat much when the weather gets colder. Often, after that, the garg will end up eating the cricket and if it likes them, it will soon be able to hunt crickets on its own. Do you know what could cause this? Tried a warm soak also just in case he may have been stopped up but there was no bowel movement and he still doesn’t want to eat. I have an around about 9month old leopard gecko and he hasn’t eaten in a few days and if I try to feed him/her he/she just licks it once and then leaves the rest and goes back to his/her cave.should I be worried or is it normal at this time of the year.if I should be worried what should I do. I still giving him almost daily baths, and keeping him hydrated. I’m so worried about him and I have no idea why he won’t eat. They are not like cats and dogs that have to eat regularly to maintain their body heat. These can be re-absorbed or cause egg binding (which can kill the gecko and requires vet treatment). not been eating much for 1-2 weeks. what should I do? Otherwise, if she is normally active and not losing weight (tail is not getting skinnier) then she’s probably fine and my just be ovulating. So I know he/she stress level is minimal. Use paper towel, eco earth or sphagnum moss instead. I would say a gecko like this needs a vet visit and should be kept quarantined from your other geckos: handle her last and wash well before and after handling her. Could breeding them help? I’m really worried, its a beautiful gecko with nice stripes and colors, i don’t want it to starve. There’s a sequel as well: http://geckotime.com/my-gecko-will-not-eat/ Read these articles and if you still have questions, come back and ask. Hi Aliza! Since she is not eating wax worms, I recommend you choose a different feeder that’s more nutritious and offer it regularly. Some leopard geckos get bored with mealworms. It seems only the minimum to stay alive, but he is very thin and seems tired all of the time. Try not to be too worried about it (I know, easier said than done!) Have you googled “bent toed gecko care”? I don’t believe there are any vets around here that specialize in reptiles (very rural area). Introduce the prey item to the gecko, holding it up to its mouth. He’s not big on me misting him. As long as she’s not losing weight (besides the weight she lost laying the egg) she’s probably OK. Keep offering and if you feel her behavior is changing dramatically, take her to a reptile vet (www.arav.org). This article has been viewed 201,330 times. She chases them and will bite them but it’s like she can’t keep them in her mouth. Make sure your temperatures and supplementation are correct. I tried feeding him a worm again but he ignores it. Im going to call the vet tomorrow in the morning but is the mushed up worms a good solution? Many geckos eat less at this time of year. However, I recommend you work to get her to accept feeding of something that approximates her correct diet. Some geckos benefit from the keeper crushing the feeder and rubbing it on the gecko’s lips to encourage a feeding response. In that case, either make sure you have all the breeding supplies you need (incubator, housing, food) or separate the male and the female. Safe insects include crickets, mealworms (not for the main diet because of lack of nutrition and hard exoskeleton), waxworms (treats only, very addictive), silkworms and dubia roaches. If not, it would be wise to locate a reptile vet and see if you can bring one or both of them in. I have been using Repashy Calcium Plus which contains the calcium, vitamin D3 and other vitamins (including a form of vitamin A that geckos can absorb) since 2009. She’ll eat her crickets that I give her but she won’t touch the worms. After escaped crickets, we changed to mealworms. (Yes, I am up at 1:45am my time answering gecko questions!). He hasn’t eaten in about 2 weeks and has changed. He ate most of his skin so I figured maybe he just wasn’t hungry after that. When I first got her, she ate really well. Some will always explore more and some spend most of their time hiding. I gave her a warm bath and have tried hand feeding but she seems to be too lazy to eat it. It’s a complicated story so I’ll start at the beginning: I got my first gecko about a year or two before we moved. Bless you, Lillian. He sounds like a lot of my geckos. Hi, I need your help. I never had a gecko before I got Totoro. Change his food intake ? We will even edit lightly to make the grammar and wording sound good. He is a juvenile and has not eaten any food. Some leopard geckos don’t like crickets either because they don’t like the taste or because the crickets move too quickly. I’ve had a gold dust day gecko for about 11 years! Today he refused to eat any. Is it in with the other one or by itself? If you have a female give her an area in which she can lay eggs so that she doesn't feel inhibited. she is in her own habitat and we are very carful about making sure temps and everything is always spot on. It’s not dangerous for a leopard gecko not to eat for quite awhile, as opposed to cats or dogs that need to eat more often. He is a year and half and .around 70 gms, Yes, his tail is the same as it has been for 2 months. Usually he gets over it in a few hours, or after a day at the longest. I’ve been having some problems with my gecko and I was hoping to find some answers. Is there anything I can do for him? If the gecko does not have a UVB bulb, buy one. We give her vitamins, including calcium, she has lots of water and is the only gecko in her tank. And are there any better ways to feed her? Many leopard geckos eat less in the winter. Metabolic Bone Disease (from lack of calcium and d3) may cause your gecko to have weakness in its legs and jaw or the inability to stand. We got a crested gecko 2 weeks ago. You could try that. Good luck with the rehabilitation. Could this be just a molting process about 2 happen? Once you have set-up their tank correctly, the African Fat-Tailed Gecko is not difficult to care for. He’s been sleeping a lot more than normal the past couple of days but still has fight in him he tries to resist being handled. She has bad vision because of a previous infection about a year ago, but it was cured and she ate fine at first. If you need help finding one, check here: http://arav.allenpress.com/arav/findavet, My gecko hasn’t been eating in a while now and she still has old skin on her head. I recommend you switch to crickets and see what happens. I ask this because possibly the reason you were able to catch it is that it wasn’t in such good shape. Her tail has gotten thinner than her body width. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. thanks! Maybe give her 3-4 days off and then try again. I’ve had my Crested Gecko since April and up until now he’s been eating fine- clearing his little bowl of CGD. I haves preganant female gecko. Thank you for putting this information out there for us to find, as my coworker was becoming frustrated and upset thinking he might lose the gecko to illness or starvation. Did you get this leopard gecko from a big chain pet store? Could he maybe have just been lonely where I haven’t been able to get him out much do to back problems or if maybe he needs a mate or tank buddy, >>>continued>>> He’s family and I want him to be happy as well as healthy. "My male Tug Snow has been getting ridiculously thin and has finally taken a few mealworms. It’s not a problem. If they throw up every time they eat, that’s more of a problem. It would be a good idea to go to our archive site (geckotime.com/archives) and to find all the articles about leopard geckos (do a search for “leopard”) which should give you good information. He did pooped just now and its probably the intakes he had in his previous owner’s home. Maybe you can transition it to eating on its own by sticking its nose in the food bowl instead of hand feeding it. It’s not surprising that they aren’t eating in a new place. I thought once the obstruction was gone he would start eating again. This is about the right time. I don’t know what to do, or if I should take him to the vet or not. Some will eat this way and some won’t. A gecko which is impacted, has an infection, a high parasite load, or who has MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease) is likely to stop eating. Observe the gecko carefully to determine whether it is in the early stages of shedding and wait until a day after it has shed before considering other reasons for decrease in feeding. She has also pooped during this time. It may have thought the rock was something else, or was trying to get something else and got the rocks by accident. Give them some more time and see how they adapt. I have bred females in the past when I felt that they may be more inclined to eat after laying eggs. Anyways, I’ve had them together in a super awesome enclosure for about 4 months. I just got two leopard geckos, a 5 year old male and a 7 year old female who have been together for years. Purchasing another one is kind of expensive. My friend adopted him from the pet store that we are groomers at, and after a year of force feeding him I took him in. Your gecko may have difficulty walking or its legs may appear flimsy or twisted. i constantly spay tropical mist in his habitat and feed him every other day. Temp in his area reads 93, I’ve seen it from 91 to 100. Your reptile friend should be in tip-top shape again before you know it. Once the vivarium was cleaned out, and she was repatriated with her surroundings, she was very lively – climbing about and even sniffing and occasionally licking my hand… But since then she has gone extremely quiet. So is this ok or not? I’ve held him but he acts very scared which is not normal either. Remember also that your geckos are nocturnal and unless you’re staying up all night watching them, there’s no way to be sure whether or not they’re eating. My feeling in general is that as long as the gecko is active and not losing weight, keep offering food and try not to worry. If the plugs don’t pop out, use a paper towel and wipe upward while pressing at the base. If it’s on the floor, that’s a little cool; it should be more like 33.