Give examples of what he reads. Why does Mr. Spencer read Holden's essay on the Egyptians to him? 3.why did it make holden nervous that stradlater was going out with jane gallagher 4.who is allie and why is his baseball mitt so special to holden … Holden refuses to do everything that society wants him to do. 13. 9. However, Holden’s roommate, Stradlater, went out with an old friend, Jane, which struck Holden wrong because Stradlater doesn’t treat girls well. Afterwards he becomes lonely and in a way depressed. Although he can't know exactly what happened, his roommate's glib comments enrage him. Holden keeps being irrational and he gets upset when Stradlater won’t make him aware of the intercourse he and Jean participated in. 6 years ago. When Stradlater returns from his date and refuses to tell Holden everything that happened, Holden picks a fight with him. What did Holden's mom buy for him that he packed before leaving? How does Holden feel about his brother Allie? Whose mother does Holden run into on the train to New York? 4. Ward Stradlater is Holden's roommate at Pencey Prep. why is this strange? I know it is pretty easy to detest him. Who is Ackley? Why? Where does Holden ask Ackley if he can sleep? He cleans himself up. So, when Stradlater asks Holden to do him a big favour and write his composition for English, Stradlater said he shouldn’t “do it too good”. Holden keeps Allie close to him by keeping his fielder’s mitt with him. 1.who is stradlater? What is going to happen to all of the girls he sees? But I really do like him. What does Holden give us as the reason for "leaving" Elkton Hills? He can come off as a spoiled wise-ass who deserves the couple of ass kickings he gets in "The Catcher in the Rye." What does Holden mean, "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"? Click to see full answer Just so, what does Holden tell Ackley the fight was about? Chapter 4. Who is Stradlater? Holden becomes increasingly agitated about Stradlater's date with Jane. When he finally lets him up, Holden calls him a "dirty, stupid sonuvabitch of a moron." Stradlater refuses to share any details, and Holden punches him. “I told him he didn’t even care if a girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, and the reason he didn’t care was because he was a goddam stupid moron.” (Page 44). 3. Whose room does Holden go into after Stradlater leaves? As of Feb 11 21. What does he look like? Rather, he thinks about Jane and whether she was able to resist the allures of Stradlater. How do you know?, what do Holden's behaviors as Stradlater prepares for his date suggest about the pair's roles in their relationship? Still, we're a little concerned about Stradlater, because his technique—well, it sounds a lot like coercion to us: What he'd do was, he'd start snowing his date in this very quiet, sincere voice—like as if he wasn't only a very handsome guy but a nice, sincere guy, too. Then I got the hell out. 5. Stradlater leaves the room, and Holden inspects his own bloody face in the mirror. What he'd do was, he'd start snowing his date in this very quiet sincere voice-like as if he wasn't only a handsome guy but a nice, sincere guy too. What does Ackley do that annoys Holden? ... What does holden do when he gets back to his room? In the book, does Stradlater ever rape his dates or force them to sleep with him? Unfortunately, when Stradlater returns he isn’t happy and yells at Holden “You always do everything backasswards. Having nothing better to do, Holden keeps Stradlater company as he shaves. Not only do depressed and confident not intertwine very well, but each of them have a different way of practicing personal hygiene. I damn near puked, listening to him. He puts Stradlater in a half-nelson because Stradlater is putting him down and he wants to fool around to show that he doesn't care what Stradlater has to say, and also because he doesn't know what else to do, not to mention he's kind of angry at Stradlater for saying she's too old for him. Why does Stradlater criticize Holden's composition about Allie's baseball mitt? Holden uses the term "nervous," but actually he … why does holden refer to him as "secret slob"? 8. Who did Holden call up to see if they were available for a cocktail? What jobs did they have in the Indus Valley? There is blood everywhere, and Holden is sobbing on the carpet and keeps calling Stradlater a moron until Stradlater walks out of the room. Holden says that the fight was over Stradlater's saying that Ackley had a lousy personality. Holden grabs the paper and tears it up. What obsessive thought keeps Holden from sleeping? Or, you could say that Holden is so lonely he hangs out with Ackley, even though he can't stand the guy. His date kept saying, "No—please. Hey everyone! He doesn't hate people consistently, but when they do certain things. Stradlater asks him not to put all the commas in the right place, which in turn annoys Holden because being a good writer involves more than simply adding commas in the proper areas. Holden is "nervous" about Stradlater going out with Jane because he knows Stradlater all too well. Stradlater. 2.what points does holden try to make about people when he talks about stradlater and the commas and ackleys description of the basketball player? Stradlater is much stronger than Holden, and pins him down and kneels on his chest. Holden lacks the maturity to see his teacher as a person rather than a teacher archetype he has built in his head. Stradlater punches Holden in the nose. How do you know?, When Stradlater asks Holden to write the composition for him, what does he say regarding the level of quality he wants?, Does Holden really dislike Stradlater? He questions Stradlater, but when Stradlater doesn’t respond to Holden’s questions as detail as he would like him to. Why does Holden keep watching the “perverts” he sees out his hotel window? Stradlater holds him down but lets him up. The timeline below shows where the character Ward Stradlater appears in Our Top Answer. Stradlater is going on a date with Jane, who is a childhood friend of Holden's. It's the part where Holden says, "What a technique that guy had. On page 24 Holden describes him by saying, “he’s got this superior attitude all the time,”. I damn near puked, listening to him. No wonder you’re flunking the hell out of here. Stradlater went on a date with Jane and Holden got jealous at the thought of what they possibly could have done! Holden finally tells the prostitute, Sunny, that he just had an operation on his clavichord, as an excuse not to have sex. Stradlater's crass remark shows that he didn't really care about the assignment and didn't understand why he was supposed to do it; he just latched on the key word "descriptive" that he heard his teacher say and urged Holden to make sure the paper was "descriptive as hell", thinking that if it was he would get a good grade. What did Stradlater hate? When Holden writes Stradlater’s descriptive essay, he chooses the glove as his subject. I really do dig Holden Caulfield. 11. What did Holden do with Stradlater's composition? Allie is associated with the theme of death, but his role is not that simple. He could have chosen anything at all to write about, but the glove is the only thing he can think of. What criteria does Holden use to assess his favorite authors. I hope this "Catcher in the Rye" quiz is challenging and fun for everyone. Holden calls Stradlater a secret slob because, to the outside world, Stradlater looks great. He is quite sure that Stradlater will do his best to seduce Jane, as he does with every girl he takes out on a date. If they are not phonies. What does Stradlater do after Holden calls him a moron? Sex. And contrary to a plethora of opinions out there, I really… 10. What do Holden and Stradlater fight over?-After Stradlater comes back from his date with Jane, Holden is hesitant to know what went on between Stradlater and Jane in Ed Banky’s car. What does Holden say about him hating people, such as Ackley and Stradlater? When Allie died Holden reacted violently, breaking every window in the garage and breaking his hand in the process. Average score for this quiz is 18 / 25.Difficulty: Average.Played 2,427 times. Teachers and parents! Sadly, Ackley believes him, but then Holden tells him that he was kidding. Why does Holden refer to him as a "secret slob"? 7. Holden notes that Stradlater is a “secret” slob, who is handsome but has personal habits that are nearly as dirty as Ackley ’s, though nobody would ever know this unless they roomed with him. Holden wakes up Ackley to ask him to play what game? Answered by Big C #884473 on 3/15/2019 2:33 PM What doesHoldens encounter with Mr.spencer tell us about him? Changes his shirt ... What does Holden keep wondering as he waits for sally? Stradlater does not want to continue the fight, but Holden keeps insulting Stradlater’s intelligence, intentionally provoking more violence. 9. Unlike Holden, Stradlater is very confident and self-absorbed. Rather, Holden can sense that Stradlater is only interested in having sex with Jane—an idea that sets Holden on edge. what does he look like? Holden thinks of him often and speaks to him when things are darkest in his life. Why does Ackley grunt a response when Stradlater says hello to him? As he shaves, he asks Holden to do him a favor by completing his English homework for him. Chapter 3. What hotel does Holden choose to stay at in New York? Stradlater taunts him, and Holden misses with a wild punch. What does Holden not understand. When she arrives, she does not believe that Holden is twenty-two, as he claims. He also represents hope and the gifted innocence of childhood, which is tenuous and sometimes short-lived. What does Antolini's quote mean, "the mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one"? Stradlater is a lady's man, and jock, and boastful about his sexual prowess with the ladies. He invites Ackley to come along with him and Mal Brossard to the movies because no one else would hang out with Ackley for the night. He offers Holden prostitute for five dollars. 3. The character, holden, from the catcher in the rye has a deceased brother named allie... why did holden love him so much? . Holden faces emotional conflict after he and Stradlater gets into an argument over Jean, Stradlater’s date. 12. Ackley is a pimply, insecure boy with terrible dental hygiene. Stradlater, Holden's roommate at Pencey, is friendly in a phony way to Ackley but Holden excuses it. 2. 8. 10. 4. Stradlater went on a date with Jane and Holden got jealous at the thought of what they possibly could have done! Chapter 7 1. Holden walks to the neighboring room to visit Ackley. Holden clearly loves his brother. Describe him. Saying that he meant that Holden should not stick all the commas in the right place, which is Stradlater’s pinion of what being good at English means. The mitt is symbolism of Holden’s love for Allie, it allows him to cope with the loss and express his feelings.