The average prisoner is provided with a mere 2 meals per day if they are lucky, and this is one prison where having a cell is considered a luxury. In one scene a prisoner is shown being sexually assaulted with a broom handle, while in others inmates are shown being beaten and tortured. There is no proper sanitation, plastic bags are used as toilets, inmates wash from a shared bucket of water, and on site drinking water is infested with parasites and bacteria. Due to the secretive nature of North Korean society, the true horrors unfolding at camp 22 and places like it may never be known, however even from the small amount of evidence that has been gathered, it is clear that camp 22 is the most barbaric prison on the face of the planet. So, a second grenade was thrown down the shaft, which also failed to kill her. Wu first had Wang imprisoned in a closed-up area of the palace, with only a slot for food to pass in. During a massive riot in 1994, armed police stormed the prison and massacred 100 inmates. Since the video was released, the government has launched an investigation into the abuse due to widespread public protests, and has fired several guards, however it is unknown whether the situation has been completely resolved. Violence is just as part of the daily routine as eating or sleeping, and stabbings. Many of the inmates have had their feet, legs or toes amputated due to infections from standing on the filthy floor for such long periods of time. Such overcrowding, combined with a lack of funds and chronic understaffing, has left this hellish prison under control of roving gangs of bloodthirsty, violent prisoners. Gitarama is the most overcrowded prison on earth, containing 7,000 inmates squeezed into a facility designed for just 400. The two youngest, Maria and Anastasia, huddled in the corner, hugging each other and crying.,,,,,, 10 Interesting Facts About the Black Death, Even More Infamous Crimes That Were Never Solved, Well Known Things That Never Actually Existed, Common Misconceptions About the Environment, 10 People Who Regretted the Sacrifices They Made for Love, 10 Countries Where It’s the Easiest to Own Guns, Top 10 Witty (and Badass) Quotes from Ancient Sparta, Josip Broz ‘Tito’ Biography: Too Tough for Stalin, Adrian Carton de Wiart Biography: The Unbreakable Soldier. world; World’s most extreme punishments. La Sabaneta is one of the worst, and contains 3700 inmates crammed into a facility designed to hold just 700. Overcrowding, poor medical care, and unsanitary conditions pale in comparison to the reign of terror and sexual abuse that the prison guards indulged in. Rations are said to be a meagre 6 ounces of corn twice a day, and inmates must hunt rats and snakes if they want to increase their calorie intake. By Palace Painter –, Public Domain, Link. Inside an estimated 50,000 prisoners languish, most there simply for the crime of criticising the government, all of whom will stay there until they die. What makes this situation even more unsettling is that many of the inmates are petty criminals and thieves, and in a country with an acquittal rate of just 0.1%, its not unreasonable to assume that there are also many innocent men behind bars being tortured. A serial killer involved with the infamous Affair of the Poisons, she conspired to kill her own father and brothers to inherit their land. Unless you believe major motion pictures, the historic Anastasia was a victim of the Russian Revolution that overthrew her father, Tsar Nicholas II, and resulted in the brutal execution of much of her family. Robert Mugabe. This Byzantine empress-consort was the second wife of the famous Emperor Heraclius, who reigned during the time when Islam began to chip away at the Byzantine Empire. According to Medieval accounts of what Clotaire did when he finally captured his nemesis, he had her dragged by a mare down a road, and placed her on a camel to be humiliated in front of the army, before having her limbs and even hair tied to horses, so as to tear her apart. In a country known for having a brutally tough prison system, you know a prison is bad when it gets a reputation for being the worst prison in Russia. Some of whom may be familiar to you, while others perhaps less so. She has been on our site many times before: Since the 1990’s the prison was renamed and conditions were improved slightly and overcrowding was eased, however it still ranks as one of the worst prisons on the planet. This list provides an interesting account of many women that have otherwise not been touched on in our classes thus far. Martina This Byzantine empress-consort was the second wife of the famous Emperor Heraclius, who reigned during … Medical care is non existent and the sick are simply quarantined and left to die. Finally, brushwood was tossed down and set alight, so as to burn her to death. While her country may have had some international success with its Olympic gymnasts, the story back home was generally appalling. Yet, despite her charities, she was targeted by the Bolsheviks, and executed the day after the Imperial Family was. omg what they did to Maria Luisa of Savoy makes me sick I can’t believe they did those awful things to her without thinking twice, It always is surprising to me… the horrific ways in which people are tortured and killed! Finally, after this agonizing and humiliating torment, her remains were burned. Whenever they are transported in and out of their cells, inmates are moved in this way. Their embarrassing execution, as they are manhandled and tied up, can be viewed on YouTube (though, since it’s an execution and all, you’re gonna have to find it yourself.) However there are some prisons operating in the world today that make your local prison look like a holiday camp. Meals are eaten inside the cell, further limiting opportunities for any kind of social contact. He was also ranked 19th in Parade Magazine’s Top 20 list of “The World’s Worst Dictators”. The extent of Natalia’s guilt is disputed, as some believe that Elizabeth was jealous of Natalia’s beauty, among other things. Allegedly she survived that as well, and even began singing. Her captors beat her, before tossing her down into a pit. Most inmates sleep in cramped hammocks which line the narrow corridors. Madame de Brinvilliers, of the various women listed here, probably did the most to deserve her punishment. Different countries or territories have their laws relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population. Take a second to support on Patreon! It is hard to imagine a fate worse, or more humiliating, then what Princess Maria was forced to endure. Elena served as Deputy Prime Minister of Romania from 1980 to 1989. Black dolphin is located near the border with Kazakhstan and houses the most dangerous and hardened criminals from all over Russia, including cannibals, terrorists, and pedophiles. 5 Most Bizarre & Controversial Elections In History, 5 Highly Unusual & Rare Diseases & Disorders, 5 Most Barbaric Medical Treatments In History. Inmates are completely defenceless and at the mercy of the guards who have the power of gods within its walls, and often put those powers to use, acting with impunity. Conditions inside are clearly made as terrible as possible. Then, Wang was placed in a large wine jar, where she finally died. A Tale of Two Cities is an 1859 historical novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution.The novel tells the story of the French Doctor Manette, his 18-year-long imprisonment in the Bastille in Paris and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie, whom he had never met. In a country known for having a brutally tough prison system, you know a prison is bad when it gets a reputation for being the worst prison in Russia. She tried to live a noble life, and even publicly forgave the man who murdered her husband. 5. She reportedly survived the fall, so the murderers threw grenades down into the pit. AIDS has spread like wildfire killing many, along with other infectious diseases. When the day draws to an end, the inmates are forced to sleep with a bright light shining overhead, and are not allowed to cover their faces. 10. Top 10 Shockingly Rich Celebrities & Their Net Worth, 10 Awesome Greek Gods You’ve Never Heard Of, 10 Types of Communication Closest to a Universal Language. One thing they all have in common though, is that their suffering was horrific and painful. While one can argue that her parents’ policies earned them the enmity of their people, as a young girl, Anastasia was hardly one to blame for the suffering of the subjects of the Russian Empire., “One of the most notorious aspects of their failure as leaders, was their inability to adequately address Romania’s AIDS epidemic.”. Such punishments are handed out by the guards for no reason other than their own enjoyment and to punish the prisoners who they see as subhuman. Under such conditions, any traces of the prisoners personality breaks down, and all hope dies. The thought of going to any prison is horrifying enough to deter most people from ever stepping on the wrong side of the law – being deprived of your freedom, being unable to see loved ones, damaging your future employment prospects, not to mention running the risk of all kinds of assault by the hardened criminals dwelling within, are all reason enough to rightly fear being caged within four walls. Only the gang leaders with money and power can afford basic services like medical care and their own cell, and many crime lords run their empires from within their cell thanks to easy access to mobile phones and the internet. With just 1 guard per 150 inmates, enforcing any kind of order is impossible, and gang law is the only law. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. For this reason, numerous facilities hold criminals away and keep the world safe. There are some fantastic food shows on television these days and series like Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen reign supreme. Liked it? By many accounts, Mary actually survived the agonizing first blow, before the executioner finally finished her off. — DAVID WARDLE. Moreover, during World War I, she even tried to uplift the spirits of wounded soldiers by playing checkers and billiards with them. Anastasia loved to cheer up her hemophiliac brother, Alexei, with funny stories when he was sick. What is even more shocking is that camp 22 is just one of up to 30 such concentration camps operational in North Korea. There are even reports of human experimentation taking place at camp 22. The overcrowding is so severe that many inmates die from suffocation and disease, and at the height of the overcrowding in the 1990’s, there were multiple deaths per day. Steven Gerrard has warned there will soon be no point having referees if the Scottish Football Association continues to dish out retrospective bans for incidents missed by match officials. One thing they all have in common though, is that their suffering was horrific and painful. The most terrifying part for me is that as they were dragging the bodies out, one of the girls, either Anastasia or Maria (if she was in fact, as this article said, shot in the head, then this is unlikely) woke up and started screaming. One of the most notorious aspects of their failure as leaders, was their inability to adequately address Romania’s AIDS epidemic. Upon arrival prisoners are blindfolded and bent over in a stress position with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Beatings are routine, and guards are taught to view inmates as subhuman slaves. The average day begins at 6am, when the inmate must rise from bed, and spend most of the day in his cell. So thats my selection for 5 of the worst and most barbaric prisons in the world, I really hope you enjoyed the video, let me know what you thought of my choices in the comments below, and I hope to see you again on the next video! While she did not die from her torture, the magnitude and length of it seems worse than say having one’s head cut off, even if done in two blows. Meanwhile, on the other side of Eurasia, a Chinese Empress perished in an even more abominable manner than her Visigothic counterpart. Now, lest you get the impression that all members of the Romanov family were victims, here is an example of how brutal the Romanovs could be with their own subjects, and why it is not entirely surprising that when the people did rise up, they struck at the Imperial Family so ferociously. There is practically no sanitation, and the floor is covered with raw sewage. It has proven an effective strategy effective as there have been no escapes from black dolphin. They slit Heraclius’s nose, and cut out Martina’s tongue, before exiling them both. It is totally cut off from the outside world, and all inmates are sentenced to lifelong detention. The last picture and name is wrong the Princess was Marie Louise of Savoy-Carignan,Princess of Lamballe not Maria Luisa of Savoy the lady whose name and picture you give..she was a Queen of Spain and died of illness decades before the French Revolution! In fact, being charged with any offence could land you in Gldani and at the mercy of its sadistic guards. Wang had a rivalry with fellow Chinese imperial consort Wu, and was accused of murdering her daughter, possibly by witchcraft. When Luisa, the Princess of Lamballe, refused to take an oath against the monarchy, a gang of men reportedly raped her, cut off her breasts and genitals, and ultimately cut off her head and placed it on a pike, before parading it beneath the Queen’s window. There is no prison yard, instead inmates get their short daily bout of exercise in another cell, the workout session simply consisting of pacing back and forth. Accused of genocide, most prisoners awaited death, but this prison just goes to show that some things are worse than death. in the subsequent search of the prison, automatic weapons, knives, and even grenades were found. Inmates are kept in a cell behind three sets of steel doors, and usually two prisoners will share one 50 square foot cell. Too European. Black Dolphin Prison, Russia. And “(Greek Orthodox) Saint” Cyril never did explain why he issued that fatwa. Uncle Roo is the quintessential hero to a tyrant, the modern-day messiah that helped bring freedom to Zimbabweans only to get himself power-drunk, he has been in power since 1980. As such, she  was a victim, rather than some justifiably-executed offender. This list was soooo European that I had to brush my teeth and put deodorant on just to remind me that I am an American. Her rule and execution lived up to what one would expect from an era described as “Dark.” During her time in power, she married multiple times, and reportedly was responsible for ten Frankish Kings’ deaths. Most of the inmates time is spent in outside in the courtyard as indoor space and shelter is so sought after. This article covers some of the most appalling tortures and executions that notable historic women have ever suffered. Accounts of the Romanov murders are incredibly disturbing. The lost souls within black dolphin are fed a diet of soup and bread, but there is no cafeteria. Rape is commonplace, and punishment can be meted out for the smallest of infractions, such as not bowing before the guards quickly or deeply enough. The ill were left to die due to lack of medical care, and many prisoners suffer from horrific wounds such as burst ear drums, rotting flesh, and even bites. The crime in the world today is ever increasing with many criminal activities happening because of various reasons. Within the prison each man has no more than half a square yard of space – many have no choice but to stand up all day, and they must sleep huddled together wherever they can, such is the chronic lack of space. Due to the heaving mass of flesh inside, few outsiders are able to gain access inside, but there are all the usual horrors reported including violence, murder and rape. Unsurprisingly, the guards deal with the prisoners with extreme brutality. Yes, the sarcasm switch is on. Nevertheless, despite her charity and good-natured personality, after her father’s fall from power, she too was imprisoned, lined up with her family, and gunned down.