russian foreign policy goals

Again in 2014, Russia reaffirmed its determination and willingness to use force with the annexation of Crimea. Many Western policymakers and observers were slow to take Primakov’s vision at face value, convinced that Russia was too weak to go it alone, let alone develop an alternative to the post-1989, U.S.-led international order. Regaining that depth was the key task of the Soviet government as soon as the country began to recover from the trauma of the revolution and the civil war, and again after Moscow regained a measure of strength after the collapse of the 1990s. Dmitry Trenin is director of Carnegie Moscow Center where an unabridged version of this piece was originally published. As for Napoleon III, he ended his rule in German captivity, and the nightmare of French-German confrontation hanged over Western Europe for several decades. Winston Churchill was right about . (approved for release on September 22, 1993). Russia's view of the modern world, as well as its goals and objectives are reflected in the Foreign Policy Concept adopted in 2016. The socialist current in Latin American politics during the Cold War, which gave rise to a number of leftist governments, was suppressed by a series of reactionary coups in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Guatemala. Perhaps precisely because they have had to struggle repeatedly for such recognition, Russia’s rulers have been particularly sensitive to any suggestion that Russia does not belong in the ranks of major powers. Russia's goal when it comes to the United States is chaos, gaining larger areas of unfettered influence, and disrupting Western alliances. One way to analyze Americans' views of foreign policy priorities is to think of each issue as either "outward" or "inward" in nature, as some international relations experts have done using the framework of "internationalism" and "isolationism." While no issue fits exclusively into one category or the other, prioritizing . A third edition of this book is now available. 16 Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New York, NY: Basic Books, 1999). The Russia of Vladimir Putin hearkens back not only to its more recent Soviet legacy, but also to its distant imperial past. This thesis analyzes Russia's foreign policy goals under Vladimir Putin. This book argues that Putin's efforts have been largely, although not entirely, successful. Highlights from Lavrov's annual press conference held Monday. Since coming to power in 2000, Vladimir Putin has added an overarching goal to Russian foreign policy: the recovery of economic, political, and geostrategic assets lost by the Soviet state in 1991. and it can afford to be patient. Providing a current assessment of the major developments in Russian foreign policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, the book begins with an examination of the emerging trends in Russian policy and the impact of ... 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW Haig decided to make El Salvador a "test case" of his foreign policy. In 2015, Russia intervened As was the case during the Cold War, Russian policy toward the West has long had an important ideological dimension. I. FOREIGN POLICY CONCEPT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. 21 Thomas Boghardt, “Operation INFEKTION: Soviet Bloc Intelligence and Its AIDS Disinformation Campaign,” Studies in Intelligence 53, no. goals and objectives of the foreign policy of . These hopes have also been disappointed. August 16, 2016 1:20 PM EDT. Aims to demythologise a field hitherto dominated by suspicion and fear, that of Russian foreign policy. Much of the research is drawn from previously unavailable Russian sources. The current policy discussions in Western capitals often create the impression that Moscow has come up with a fundamentally new toolkit. 17 “Soviet Active Measures: Forgery, Disinformation, Political Operations,” U.S. Department of State, October 1981, By 2008, Russia was strong enough to assert—after a brief war with Georgia—that it was intent on maintaining its control over the vast region’s security affairs and blocking any prospect of NATO and European Union enlargement in its backyard. These victories have also demonstrated to the world Russia’s propensity for risk-taking and punching above its weight, along with its improved capabilities for warfare and operations short of war in multiple domains—land, air, space, sea, cyber, and information operations. The third driver, related to the first two, is Russia’s complicated relationship with the West, which combines rivalry with the need for cooperation. A 1981 U.S. State Department study noted: The approaches used by Moscow include control of the press in foreign countries; outright and partial forgery of documents; use of rumors, insinuation, altered facts, and lies; use of international and local front organizations; clandestine operation of radio stations; exploitation of a nation’s academic, political, economic, and media figures as collaborators to influence policies of the nation.17, One of the most vivid examples of Soviet influence operations was Moscow’s campaign intended to undermine the U.S.-Egyptian relationship and the Camp David peace process. In February he visited Beijing, setting in motion normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China. Russia's Foreign Policy Goals Are a Product of History. This is why events in the international relations were interpreted by two ways: (1) all Soviet foreign policy acts were seen as peaceful even if they were military interventions; (2) American foreign policy was interpreted as the aggressive and militaristic. Such recognition, in turn, has been needed to lend a veneer of legitimacy to territorial conquests. Volunteers, military personnel ostensibly on leave from their units, Cossacks, contractors hired by private security companies, and other types of proxies have returned to the toolkit of Russian foreign policy. Kenez focuses on the experiences of the Russian people. The book is both a major contribution to our understanding of the genius of the Soviet state, and of the nature of propaganda in the twentieth-century. "So much has been said in . To any Russian leader, Tsar or Commissar, the worst of all possible worlds is one in which both ends of the empire are under hostile pressure. 23 A. Smirnov, “Memoirs of a Covert Soviet Soldier in the Korean War,” Russia Beyond, July 27, 2013,; Jesse Ferris, “Soviet Support for Egypt’s Intervention in Yemen 1962–1963,” Journal of Cold War Studies 10, no. Soviet competition with the West was not limited to Europe and the Middle East. We explain this deviation by arguing that Russian foreign policy today is also influenced by other factors. Over the past several years, the international community has witnessed the return of Russia as an important global actor. Merkel and Hollande had only one card to play - the threat of new sanctions on Russia over its bombing in Syria. Found insideThis book examines five possible U.S. strategies for Iraq. The OGPU operation against him served as the basis for a popular Soviet-era television miniseries glorifying the country’s intelligence services.28, Savinkov was not the Kremlin’s only such victim. In the wake of recent Russian expansionism, political risk expert Agnia Grigas illustrates how—for more than two decades—Moscow has consistently used its compatriots in bordering nations for its territorial ambitions. regarding Russia's foreign policy vis-à-vis Syria, are crucial to better understanding the evolution and rationale of Russian foreign policy. 2 (2015): pursuit of goals that are well-aligned with its historical interests, has been marked by unnecessary actions that have limited, rather than enhanced, its ability to attain those goals. " Georgia and Ukraine have been on the receiving end of this strategy for most of their post-Soviet history. As a result, the sovereignty of both has been systematically and repeatedly violated by Russia. Moscow’s strategy is to coerce its former partners turned rivals — the United States above all — to acknowledge Russia’s security interests and accept its importance as a power to be reckoned with globally. 6 Nikolai Berdyaev, “The Strength of Russia,” translated by Fr. This vision has guided Russian foreign policy ever since. Venezuela: A New U.S.–Russia Battleground, Russia: Playing a Geopolitical Game in Latin America, The Return of Global Russia: An Analytical Framework, Reassessing Russian Capabilities in the Levant and North Africa, Less Than a Full Deck: Russia’s Economic Influence in the Mediterranean, Grand Illusions: The Impact of Misperceptions About Russia on U.S. Policy, A Difficult Balancing Act: Russia’s Role in the Eastern Mediterranean, Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Moscow correctly read this as bluster... Dmitry Trenin is the director of the Carnegie Moscow Center. This was true not only in Afghanistan and Iraq but also in Africa and elsewhere. These forces shape politics and strategy in Moscow. Russia's foreign policy elite remains committed to establishing a Russian sphere of influence within the region. 31 Calder Walton, “Russia Has a Long History of Eliminating ‘Enemies of the State,’” Monkey Cage (blog), Washington Post, March 13, 2018, Russia is generally considered one of the great powers in the world, and is as such of key importance to European security. Several historical events are featured prominently in this narrative. In the mid-nineteenth century, Russian historian and writer Nikolay Danilevsky complained about Russia’s unfair treatment by Europe, which had turned a blind eye to Prussian and Austrian aggression against Denmark following the annexation of two Danish provinces yet criticized Russia’s efforts to protect the rights of its coreligionists in “barbaric” Turkey.4 Danilevsky’s complaint was, in effect, a precursor of Putin’s lament about the West’s double standards in dealing with Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the severing of Kosovo from Serbia.5. The best-known Soviet political assassination was carried out against Leon Trotsky in Mexico in 1940 by Spanish communist and Soviet agent Ramón Mercader. In the run-up to Russia’s presidential elections in March 2018, information activities will multiply, but they will not cease there. It was first launched by Yevgeny Primakov, who was appointed Russian foreign minister in 1996. Full membership would give a considerable deal of leverage and a bargaining chip in the . U.S. foreign policy has evolved during the past few years. During the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Russia broke from the post–Cold War system and openly challenged U.S. dominance. In the much more recent past, Russian volunteers fought in the Balkan wars in the 1990s and even more recently in eastern Ukraine. Russian security has thus traditionally been partly predicated on moving outward, in the name of preempting external attack.”3. Having adjusted its economy to sanctions and low oil prices, Russia continues to seek ways to reduce its political isolation, and has moved from defense to offense in the information space. In the United States and Europe, growing political divisions, the proliferation of information providers, and popular frustration with governing elites in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis have exposed targets for Russian interference. a defined set of underlying foreign policy goals that defines its place and its long-term interests in the international order. The Kremlin’s approach has involved the relatively low-cost, limited use of military force in combination with other nonmilitary instruments of national power. Moscow's immediate foreign policy goal is to withstand the pressure imposed on it by Washington and its allies. A bid is a fee writers offer to clients for each particular order. Despite the glaring similarities of Russia's international conduct with expectations of pragmatism and expansionism, this study argues that Moscow's foreign policy has been informed by more nuanced and dynamic conceptions of international relations. The Russian economy has performed poorly since then, with growth hampered by a failure to institute long-overdue structural reforms and excessive dependence on exporting hydrocarbons and other raw materials. These precepts are fortified by the lessons of Russian history: of centuries of obscure battles between nomadic forces over the stretches of a vast unfortified plain. Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev outlines Russian President Vladimir Putin's foreign policy goals. 4 (Fall 2008): Yet the Kremlin's policies cannot stay immune from the effects of the pandemic. As a whole, this legacy provides both the justification and the motivation for Russia to pursue its ambitions not just around its vast periphery but well beyond its shores. Russia's primary goal during the first phase of Alexander II's foreign policy was to alter the Treaty of Paris to regain naval access to the Black Sea. In reality, with the possible exception of the very beginning of the Yeltsin period, Russian foreign policy goals have been . The use of off-the-shelf social media technologies in order to advance Russia’s foreign policy objectives has been amply demonstrated in the U.S. presidential election in 2016, as well as in other situations since then. He formulated what became known as the Primakov Doctrine. Moscow's global outlook in Soviet times was framed by communist ideology and the party's political priorities. Found insideExplaining the economic policies that underwrote Putin's two-decades-long rule, Miller shows how, at every juncture, Putinomics has served Putin's needs by guaranteeing economic stability and supporting his accumulation of power. An important area in the foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation is communicating to the broad sectors of the world public objective and accurate information about its positions on the main international problems, foreign policy initiatives and actions by the Russian Federation, as well as on the accomplishments of Russian culture . Against that backdrop, the ambition and dynamism of Russian foreign policy since Putin’s 2012 return to the presidency appears to be a relatively new phenomenon. . Moscow’s limited reach and U.S. opposition kept the Soviets from gaining a foothold in Latin America, but it was not for a lack of trying. The fall of oil prices has led to the contraction of Russian exports by about a third. As Gazprom, Rosneft, ZTE and Huawei have grown more essential to their respective governments, business and state interests . As an extension of that shift and a step toward strengthening the anti-German alliance with the United Kingdom and the United States, the Comintern was dissolved in 1943 with its final appeal endorsing the anti-Hitler coalition and the liberation war against “fascism and its allies and vassals.”15. © Copyright 2021 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. The industry's top-management is a major part of Russia's governing establishment. Even integrating Ukraine’s Donbass region controlled by anti-Maidan separatists would be a major problem for Russia, economically and legally. Abstract. There is no trace of any feeling in Soviet psychology that that goal must be reached at any given time.12. Russia's Foreign Policy combines truly original scholarly analysis, strongly documented and updated coverage of events, and clear and effective writing. ; and “Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Yemen Arab Republic,” U.S. Department of State, August 31, 1978, In the presidential elections of 2016 in the United States and 2017 in France, Moscow made its preferences fully known. . Primakov’s successor as foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, summed up his predecessor’s influence in October 2014, saying: The moment he took over the Russian Foreign Ministry heralded a dramatic turn of Russia’s foreign policy. In this monograph, the authors assess Russia's strategic interests and the factors that influence Russian foreign policy broadly. This study concentrates on the military roots of Soviet policy. Washington supported these coups to varying degrees, thus feeding a narrative of resistance to U.S. imperialism in Latin America. 25 For a contemporaneous account of the Soviet deployments, see: “The USSR and the Egyptian-Israeli Confrontation,” Central Intelligence Agency, May 14, 1970, (declassified, redacted version approved for release on February 28, 1994); and Michael Peck, “How Israel Shot Down 5 Russian MiGs in 3 Minutes,” National Interest, April 26, 2018, The US military's symbolic withdrawal from Bagram Air Base, the largest in Afghanistan, shows how committed it is to abiding by President Joe Biden's pledge to leave the country by September 11 th. Of particular importance to the Putin government has been the military record of the Russian state and its numerous conquests. Russian foreign policy is an organic phenomenon, requiring constant attention and frequent modifications. To an extent, this is an accurate reflection of Russian approaches. Elsewhere, long-term conflicts, such as those in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, or the unfinished business of post-conflict reconstruction, such as in the Balkans, have presented Russia with opportunities to insert itself and create new facts on the ground. Found insideRussia employs a sophisticated social media campaign against former Soviet states that includes news tweets, nonattributed comments on web pages, troll and bot social media accounts, and fake hashtag and Twitter campaigns. Since 1999, as far as I can see, the president has pursued two main goals: To preserve the unity of Russia and to restore its status as a great power in the global arena. This intriguing book, based on recently accessible Soviet primary sources, is the first to explain the emergence of the Cold War and its development in Stalin's lifetime from the perspective of Soviet policy-making. The Soviet leadership rarely viewed senior foreign political figures as assassination targets. 1. 2 Nicolai Petro and Alvin Rubinstein, Russian Foreign Policy: From Empire to Nation State (New York, NY: Longman, 1997). This book examines Russian influence operations globally, in Europe, and in Russia’s neighboring countries, and provides a comprehensive overview of the latest technologies and forms of strategic communication employed in hybrid warfare. US: Biden's Main Foreign Policy Goals: China, Middle East, Russia. By applying these techniques in combination with violence, the Bolsheviks succeeded in imposing their vision on the population of the vast country.13. The "Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation" was approved by President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on 12 February 2013. . 8 Ron Laurenzo, “Russia’s Primakov Outlines Policy Aims,” United Press International, January 12, 1996,; and Brian Whitmore, “Putin’s Godfather,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, June 29, 2015, Approved by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on November 30, 2016 . Putin issued a presidential order in 2012 reconstituting the Russian Military-Historical Society.9 Long-serving Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky has been an active patron of the society as well. Rhetorically, furthering Eurasian economic integration is among Moscow’s major priorities. *Islamic State is a terrorist organization banned in Russia. Moscow’s uneasy relationship with the West for centuries has been one of the most prominent features of its foreign policy. Soviet involvement in these countries consisted of direct military support in conflict zones, arms sales, the deployment of military advisers and technicians, civilian technical assistance, and educational opportunities in Soviet universities, such as Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, that specialized in the training and (on occasion) the recruitment by Soviet intelligence services of professionals from countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Russia left the path our Western partners had tried to make it follow after the breakup of the Soviet Union and embarked on a track of its own.1. 9 “Russian Military Historical Society,” Google Arts and Culture, (Approved for release on May 25, 2006. In a more recent and very telling sign of that ambivalence, Foreign Minister Lavrov wrote in 2016 that, over the centuries, Russia has seen itself as part of Europe and the West, as better than the West, as different and unique from the West, and as representing a crucial link between the East and the West.10 The biggest obstacle that has kept Russia from having a closer and more stable relationship with Europe, according to Lavrov, has been Europe’s inability or unwillingness to simply let Russia be Russia, and its insistence on having Moscow conform to European norms—something that no Russian leader or the people of Russia would ever accept. This article first appeared earlier this year and is being reposted due to reader interest. Your donation to The Moscow Times directly supports the last independent English-language news source Western perceptions of post-Soviet Russia have been heavily affected by the country’s economic and political implosion and foreign policy retreat during the 1990s. "The paramount goal before us is to . 5 Vladimir Putin, “Address by President of the Russian Federation,” President of Russia, March 18, 2014, To secure its territory, the Russian state acquired more territory, which, in turn, had to be secured from ever-present external threats of one kind or another. ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — In its foreign policy, Russia tends to favor the hard power of military might and oil and gas exports. The United States canceled a summit (for the first time since 1960), after Putin gave asylum to Edward Snowden. Donald Trump’s tougher approach to Russia, the consensus within the German political establishment that the West should continue to pressure Russia, and pro-EU, pro-Atlanticist Emmanuel Macron’s victory in France have minimized the chances that either the United States or Europe might ease its attitudes toward Moscow in the next four to five years. The Russian state and its security policy have been shaped by the absence of natural geographic barriers—oceans, rivers, or mountains.2 Geography has shaped Russian identity and its rulers’ understanding of security throughout the entire existence of the Russian state. On the other hand, throughout Russian history since the time of Peter the Great, Russian elites, political thinkers, and cultural figures have questioned Russia’s European choice and relationship with Europe. Arguably, Russian activism does not stop there. In reality, the economic crisis that has affected all of post-Soviet Eurasia, has put the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on the back burner. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has suggested assessing whether the United States and NATO have accomplished their objectives in Afghanistan. That has not occurred. This volume explains the reasons for this failure and assesses likely future developments in that relationship . Previously, the United States was focused heavily on the Islamic world and, more important, tended to regard the use of force as an early option in the execution of U.S. policy rather than as a last resort. Featuring five new chapters, this new edition dispels potentially dangerous misconceptions about Putin and offers a clear-eyed look at his objectives. In May, he traveled to the Soviet Union and signed agreements that contained the results of the first Strategic Arms Limitation . The assassin spent two decades in prison, but upon his release he was awarded the highest Soviet decoration for bravery.29 There have been many other targets, including Ukrainian nationalist leader Stepan Bandera, who was assassinated in 1959 with poison fired from a specially designed gun,30 and Bulgarian dissident writer Georgi Markov, who was killed in London in 1978.31. Entirely, successful, 1993 ) policy ever since through concessions and promises of improved behavior and a... They disagree about the means for achieving foreign policy goals are a Product of History a 700! For the protection of ethnic Russians abroad and NATO have accomplished their objectives in Afghanistan, 1991 https. Years has proved to be a major problem for Russia, economically and legally follow... Our cookie policy Central to their respective governments, business and State interests widely reported that Russia’s political in! 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