what must i do to be saved acts 16:30

WHAT IS IT TO BELIEVE IN THIS CHRIST?1. WHAT IT PRESUPPOSES. The everlasting gates close him in.III. Cease, then, to explore the recesses of your spirits in search of something there which will constitute a ground of hope. Remember the poor woman who touched but the fringe of Christ's garment, and she was made whole. W. Our belief implies an obedience to the commandments of this Divine Person; and this obedience is the evidence He expects of our faith. The antecedents to this state are, first, the intelligent conviction that we need it, which is a wise self knowledge, begotten of the truth; and secondly, an ingenuous sorrow for sin, expressed in an amended life. You may search there forever and find no Saviour there, and nothing that will make you more worthy to come to Christ.III. How the old hypocrites trembled before Him! The time for the exercise of this faith is now. It is a grand thing to go to sleep at night, and to get up in the morning, and to do business all day feeling that all is right between my heart and God.2. If these people are more worthy, more faithful, if they have done more than Christ, then give them the preference; but if Christ is as trustworthy as they are, then deal with Him as fairly. Today, we love action stories, and the most often used adjective for our heroes is "Action Heroes". Do you wish to be adopted into the family of God, and so become an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ? He stands there and dies. Then you will never believe in Him. You will not trust the precious Jesus till you have no sins to trust Him with? MANY SAY, "I WILL TRUST HIM IF YOU WILL ONLY TELL ME NOW." And here is an arched bridge blasted from the "Rock of Ages," and built by the Architect of the universe, spanning the dark gulf between sin and righteousness, and all God asks you is to walk across it; and you start, and you come to it, and you stop, and you go a little way on and you stop, and you fall back and you experiment. Christ did not tell the children to come to Him. It is a grand thing to go to sleep at night, and to get up in the morning, and to do business all day feeling that all is right between my heart and God.2. Confidence. But now you are on the sea, and asleep, and are awakened by the shriek of "Fire!" FEAR OF DEATH. Satan always domineering over, sin always raging in, and God always frowning upon thee to all eternity (Psalm 7:11). You will not trust the precious Jesus till you have no sins to trust Him with? We find, by searching the Scriptures, that these results, thus summed up, are resolved into two classes, one of which takes place in the mind and purposes of God, and the other in the mind and destiny of the sinner. Now, you believe that Captain Braveheart sacrificed himself for his passengers, but you believe it with grief at his loss, and with joy at your deliverance. Let us consider the ACT of faith. The ground of all spiritual blessings is the free and unmerited favour of God (2 Timothy 1:9).2. Just so doctrines are intended to introduce you to Christ.4. A blissful eternity. "Oh," says someone, "I believe that Christ was born in Bethlehem, and that He died on the Cross." Thy faith will make thee joyful by and by, but it is as powerful to save thee even when it does not make thee rejoice. Then you will never believe in Him. But they are not to be used to prove the truth — i.e., to afford its positive evidence. W. Wythe.The sinner's prescription. (5)Thy acting for Him (James 2:18).4. )The all-decisive stepT. Hodge, D. D.)Sin and salvationJohn Hunter.I. It was immediate, and without delay. Reading;3. And you cannot expect me to risk the cargo of my immortal interests on board any craft. It means —1. He was a loving Christ, but it was not effeminacy. But if I find you asking, "What must I do to be saved?" W. The immediate object of faith is Christ, as revealed in the gospel.4. And you cannot expect me to risk the cargo of my immortal interests on board any craft. Faith is like the eye beholding, and the hand receiving a gift; but however necessary to its enjoyment, the gift itself is free and undeserved.3. You will not trust the precious Jesus till you have no sins to trust Him with? You ask the question, "What shall I do to be saved?" Room only for one more man. Here were doubts. W. Woodworth.I. You must be buried with Christ in baptism. CONSCIOUSNESS OF WEAK OR LITTLE FAITH. (b)Love Him (Ephesians 6:24). (2) How happy thou wilt be with Him. Let us consider the ACT of faith. On the side of God also is His acceptance of believing sinners, and His adoption of them into His family. Men sometimes come to me with certificates of good character, but I cannot trust them. What are the ANTECEDENTS of saving faith, that is, what precedes the act of faith in the experience of the sinner? You remember that story of our Saviour in the storm, and the poor disciples were full of fear — "Lord, save us or we perish." It includes, especially, the pardon of sin, the sanctification of our nature, a victory over all our enemies, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. But all thy sins, be they never so many, cannot destroy thee if thou dost believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. It was full and comprehensive. Consisting in —(a)Our freedom from all evil. The supposition of a change induced by death in the character and condition of man must be dismissed. When such a man, delivered from his old bondage to evil, yields himself to God, and when amidst the perils of the world he maintains the sanctities of conscience, he has reached a second stage. Christ did not ask John to put his head down on His bosom; John could not help but put his head there. And the act on which salvation hinges is as straightforward as its object is definite. He is only waiting to get from you what you give to scores of people every day. Faith is like the eye beholding, and the hand receiving a gift; but however necessary to its enjoyment, the gift itself is free and undeserved.3. Confidence. You often go across a bridge you know nothing about. CONSCIOUSNESS OF HARDNESS OF HEART AND THE LACK OF WHAT IS THOUGHT TO BE TRUE PENITENCE. You will not trust the precious Jesus till you have no sins to trust Him with? And if thy faith should never come to noonday, if it do but come to twilight, nay, if thy faith is but starlight, nay, candlelight, nay, a spark — if it be but a glow worm spark, thou art saved. Who can show us the everlasting difference between a soul lost and a soul saved? )How to be savedW. There was no time required, as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's wise men, when they had to interpret the king's dream. Faith is a simple receptive faculty. And again, it is natural that you should scarce like to leave behind those that are so dear. What is more, it is not even the reality of thy faith that saves thee, it is the object of thy faith. In addition to this softness of character, there was a fiery momentum. (1)The insufficiency of all things else. You are under the terrors of the law and exposed to the wrath of God. (e)God pleased (Hebrews 11:5). They are also exactly adapted to our necessities.2. - Never was a more important question asked than this. Beddome, M. A.This answer has three or four properties.1. Understand what you have to do.2. You read in a newspaper how Captain Braveheart on the sea risked his life for the salvation of his passengers. "Saved!"1. The reason may be because the act itself is so simple, so easily understood.IV. Room only for one more man. As to fatalists, who say nothing can be done. "The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin." When from surging to and fro in all kinds of dreary speculation a man drifts, and turns away to the gospel, the gospel meets him with an answer direct and full in the Person of Christ. On the side of God is His justification of the sinner. So in proportion to his faith will be his faithfulness. When people saw Christ coming they ran into their houses and brought their invalids out that He might look at them. You say, "What a grand fellow he must have been!" Then believe. (c)Think frequently of Him. What, will you not believe in Christ until you are perfect? And if thy faith should never come to noonday, if it do but come to twilight, nay, if thy faith is but starlight, nay, candlelight, nay, a spark — if it be but a glow worm spark, thou art saved. (c)Corruptions mortified. "Because ye are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts." In conclusion, I remark —1. Did Jesus say, O ye of no faith? THE EXISTENCE OF MANY DOUBTS AND FEARS. So there may be little faith where there are great doubts. Let us consider the ACT of faith. Satan always domineering over, sin always raging in, and God always frowning upon thee to all eternity (Psalm 7:11). Salvation is now Christ's one work. You jump and are saved. But instead of that we say, Trust. He was a loving Christ, but it was not effeminacy. He stands there and dies. Woodworth. Thy faith will make thee joyful by and by, but it is as powerful to save thee even when it does not make thee rejoice. The body saved — from fresh inroads by sin; from its members being instruments of unrighteousness; from the sting of death; from the victory of the grave.2. On the side of God also is His acceptance of believing sinners, and His adoption of them into His family. What is more, it is not even the reality of thy faith that saves thee, it is the object of thy faith. "IV.THE CAUSE OF SALVATION — "Christ," "Jesus," "Lord. Lest the world should not realise His earnestness, this Christ mounts the Cross. Though salvation is promised to them that believe, it is not promised as a reward for their believing, but for His sake in whom they believe. The terms of salvation are easy and simple. (b)Would you not repent of it? (4) his guilt in attempting his own life might overwhelm him with alarm. Death is loathesomeness, and midnight, and the wringing of the heart until the tendrils snap and curl in the torture unless Christ be with us. Test thy faith in Christ by —(1)Thy knowledge of Him. If these people are more worthy, more faithful, if they have done more than Christ, then give them the preference; but if Christ is as trustworthy as they are, then deal with Him as fairly. People rush into them. What, will you not believe in Christ until you are perfect? (c)How comest thou to live in sin without mourning for and turning from it (2 Corinthians 5:17)?3. MEANS —1. That is saving faith. It disclaims all merit and sufficiency of its own, and excludes all boasting, only in the Lord.II. The supposition of a change induced by death in the character and condition of man must be dismissed. There is —I. But on some dark night let the cry of "fire" ring through that edifice, and let him put the grappling irons fast to the window casement, and swing himself out into the air, and he will believe on that rope ladder. "III.A PERSONAL FACT — "Thou. Think of John Knox, on his dying bed, troubled about his interest in Christ. So in proportion to his faith will be his faithfulness. A peaceful death. Who shall it be? But as He was none of these, but a preacher of righteousness, a physician of souls, a guide of the blind, and a comforter of the afflicted, and a sufferer upon earth for the glory of God and the salvation of men; the qualifications which show us to be believers must be of the same sort.(W. A sudden conversion, you say, and sudden conversions are always suspicious. They come up in the later question of the prophet, "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord?" But they have never for one moment trusted their souls to Jesus. For some of us I verily believe this sudden change is the best. 2. Thy faith will make thee joyful by and by, but it is as powerful to save thee even when it does not make thee rejoice. In his heart, one of the first results of believing is peace or joy. That is historical faith. If such a man have doubts, dost thou expect to live without them? Prayer-Meeting Talks and Bible Readings of the Great Revival Meetings Conducted by Moody and Sankey. Sexteenth edition. What does the sinner do when he believes in Christ? (b)Our enjoyment of all good — as appears from the promises (John 1:12; John 3:15; Acts 13:39); from the end of Christ's coming (John 3:16); from the nature of faith (Hebrews 11:1).IV. But then, mark, nothing else will suffice. Who shall it be? Another result of faith is obedience. Oh, that men were equally wise about the soul! Do you wish to be free from condemnation, and stand justified before God? Oh, such a Christ as that — so loving, so self-sacrificing — can you not trust Him?II. "Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." "Saved!"1. De Witt Talmage, D. D.)The king's highway opened and clearedC. Thy faith will make thee joyful by and by, but it is as powerful to save thee even when it does not make thee rejoice. They are also exactly adapted to our necessities.2. They could not keep away from Him.2. Think of John Knox, on his dying bed, troubled about his interest in Christ. And is it consistent with common sense to toil for the sake of things which are perishing, and neglect the only object that is of any real value? The act of resting on the crucified Jesus saves.Saving faithB. H. Spurgeon.When the children of Israel were settled in Canaan, God ordained that they should set apart certain Cities of Refuge, that to these the man-slayer might flee for security. A peaceful death. Oh, such a Christ as that — so loving, so self-sacrificing — can you not trust Him?II. The original source of all true believing is the free grace of God in Christ Jesus. While we sleep Satan is awake.II. He is only waiting to get from you what you give to scores of people every day. In addition to this softness of character, there was a fiery momentum. Though salvation is promised to them that believe, it is not promised as a reward for their believing, but for His sake in whom they believe. The children came without any invitation. The consequence instantly following is a new life state — salvation is its initial act. )How to be savedW. You are just like that proud Syrian Naaman. We are told by the rabbis that once in the year, or oftener, the magistrates of the district surveyed the roads which led to these cities: they carefully gathered up all the stones, and took the greatest possible precautions that there should be no stumbling blocks in the way. If such a man have doubts, dost thou expect to live without them? Examination. (2)The sufficiency of Christ. When he has done that, he will have exercised saving faith in his fire escape, Not before. Christ was a very attractive person. When people saw Christ coming they ran into their houses and brought their invalids out that He might look at them. Just so doctrines are intended to introduce you to Christ.4. Then believe.(W. No; "O ye of little faith." Salvation is what all men are equally interested in; and thence it stands to reason that the way of salvation should be so plain that all may understand it. Selah. (d)The heart sanctified (1 Corinthians 1:2). The act of resting on the crucified Jesus saves.Saving faithB. S. And if thy faith should never come to noonday, if it do but come to twilight, nay, if thy faith is but starlight, nay, candlelight, nay, a spark — if it be but a glow worm spark, thou art saved. Found inside“WHAT MUST I DO?” “What must I do to be saved?”—Acts 16:30 E HAVE FOR A TEXT a very solemn and important question, “What must I do to be saved? It is not the greatness of the sinner that is the difficulty; it is the hardness of the sinner's heart. In our Christian believing and loyalty are all the elements required for the development of the most complete and finished type of human excellence. You are not to think about Christ, or say grand nothings about Him: you are to believe on Him, to submit to, to trust in Him that He may forgive and heal you. At eventide, even though there is a great deal of darkness, yet there is light. It is a judicial act, the act of God as a judge, freeing the sinner from the penalty of the law which he has incurred, and placing him in the position, in regard to the condemning sentence, of one who has never incurred the penalty. Not God, as God, for the devils believe in God. WHO IS THIS BEING THAT YOU WANT ME TO BELIEVE IN? )The all-decisive stepT. CONSCIOUSNESS OF HARDNESS OF HEART AND THE LACK OF WHAT IS THOUGHT TO BE TRUE PENITENCE. When he has done that, he will have exercised saving faith in his fire escape, Not before. What does the sinner do when he believes in Christ? Have the same confidence in Christ. The sense of dissatisfaction with sin is not healthy in its influence unless it receives a hopeful interpretation and leads to hopeful endeavour. H. You know when Jesus was upon earth, how happy He made every house He went into. You may search there forever and find no Saviour there, and nothing that will make you more worthy to come to Christ.III. The first thing is, of course, to understand the meaning of the words, the next to receive them to the heart (Romans 10:9), and the next to take personal advantage of them. Here daily labours and nightly watchings are sustained without reluctance. CONSCIOUSNESS OF WEAK OR LITTLE FAITH. 1. Books of the Bible. But true faith purifies the heart, and imbues it with every principle of piety and goodness.(B. I will illustrate the difference. Christ was a very attractive person. It is in the way of the spread and triumph of the Christian spirit we are to look for the coming of the Christian order of society, which is the second coming of Jesus Christ. But now this glorious lamp is lifted above the grave, and all the darkness is gone, and the way is clear. It secures for him the influences of the Divine Spirit. MANY SAY, "I WILL TRUST HIM IF YOU WILL ONLY TELL ME NOW." 2:3-4 II PET. H. Spurgeon.When the children of Israel were settled in Canaan, God ordained that they should set apart certain Cities of Refuge, that to these the man-slayer might flee for security. Then believe. It means —1. A man is never so wise as when he says to himself, "Let me fairly know the whole facts of my relation to the unseen world in so far as they can be known here, and if they are wrong, let me set about rectifying them, if it be possible.". Then believe.(W. On the side of God is also His bestowment of His Spirit on the believing sinner. Lest the world should not realise His earnestness, this Christ mounts the Cross. Unless there be some supernatural illumination, I shudder back from it. (b)Would you not repent of it? Not suppose that you will find another time as good, and one in which you can just as well repent as now.11. The loss of all happiness; but it is a state of conscious existence; it is a state of prolonged death. It is worthy of notice that the Bible, while saying much of the necessity, the object, and the effects of faith, says very little of its nature. He rescues us from Satan by bringing us back to God. What, will you not believe in Christ until you are perfect? What then? But true faith purifies the heart, and imbues it with every principle of piety and goodness.(B. (3) You do not rely on Christ; for —(a)What was it thou tookest most comfort from upon thy last sick bed? Think of John Knox, on his dying bed, troubled about his interest in Christ. Exhortation. You cannot put your heart's confidence in a man until you know what stuff he is made of. There is —I. A peaceful death. How the old hypocrites trembled before Him! In his heart, one of the first results of believing is peace or joy. "Down with the lifeboats!" We find, by searching the Scriptures, that these results, thus summed up, are resolved into two classes, one of which takes place in the mind and purposes of God, and the other in the mind and destiny of the sinner. Who shall it be? Martin. Almost all the poets have said handsome things about death. You rush out on the deck. (b)Our enjoyment of all good — as appears from the promises (John 1:12; John 3:15; Acts 13:39); from the end of Christ's coming (John 3:16); from the nature of faith (Hebrews 11:1).IV. If thou canst not feel thy need of a Saviour as thou wouldst, remember that when thou hast a Saviour thou wilt soon find out how great was thy need of Him, Many persons find out their needs by receiving the supply. THE EXHORTATION. You cannot put your heart's confidence in a man until you know what stuff he is made of. But let us look at the results of this faith in the mind and destiny of the believer.

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